Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday and Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had an extremely civil day today. Quite the relief.

Friday brings us closure on 2011. We are all quite excited, and we have a few holiday activities planned between 10:30 and 11:30. All are welcome to join us. We'll be hosting our book exchange as well. Kids are welcome to bring in any unwanted books to swap with friends for something different and new. All kids will go home with at least a book.

Friday will bring us a spelling quiz. The kids should be putting the final touches on their spelling / vocabulary for the week, as their efforts are due tomorrow.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Another trying day as we near closer to the Winter Break. The kids are in rare form.

Friday brings our Book Exchange. If kids would like to bring an unwanted book, they can then swap them for different books from other students. A groovy way to get some new literature.

Thursday will bring a short division and factoring quiz.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 14.4
- finish Mrs. Mitchener's Problem o the Week
- continue with spelling and vocabulary for Friday.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday & Wednesday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Just a friendly reminder that Wednesday is NOT restructured, nor will Homework Club be offered.

Today was another rough one for the class. The kids are really testing each others' limits.

Tonight, the kids will need to tackle the following:

- math 14.3
- Reading Practice Book pages 193 & 194 (most completed in class)
- Reflections practice book pages 44 & 45 (also started in class)
- continue with spelling and vocabulary

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, December 12, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We have officially entered stir-crazy mode, and I am little concerned about our ability to pull through this week unscathed. The kids have Winter Break on the brain!

I made an error on the homework sheet for this week. Please note that all math lessons are from chapter 14, not chapter 13. The page and problem sets are correct. Sorry for the confusion.

Homework Club will only be Monday and Tuesday this week.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Monday Folders
- Math 14.2, pages 303 & 304 (1-21)
- RPB pages 197 & 198
- weekly vocabulary and spelling (get started)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The day was chaotic, as we held our Awards and Big Spin Ceremony this afternoon. The kids were clearly preoccupied by it! It was nice to publicly acknowledge the kids' successes in front of their peers.

This morning we worked on brainstorming and writing ourselves a study guide for next week's Early Explorers and Settlements quiz. The kids have these in their possession and will hopefully study from them in preparation for the quiz. The study guide cannot be used during the quiz itself.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 13.5, page 293, problems 1-5
- complete vocabulary and spelling for tomorrow
- complete any stray science practice book pages for tomorrow's due date

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- math 13.4, pages 290 - 291, problems 1-30
- Reading Practice page 186
- complete Mrs. Mitchener's problem o' the week

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking. Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow brings our science exam on electricity and magnetism. The kids will have a short multiplication and division quiz as well. Due to tomorrow night's concert at the high school, homework will be light on Wednesday.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- continue with the week's spelling and vocabulary
- math 13.3 (1-30)
- RPB page 188 (announcement writing)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday and the week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I've modified the testing schedule this week so that the kids aren't being hit with both a big science and social studies exam. With that, the science exam will be this Wednesday and the Missions exam will be a week from Wednesday.

The Big Spin / Awards Assembly will take place this Thursday at 1 in the MPR. Are all free to attend and celebrate our achievements.

Friday's Rock Band Assembly will take place from 1-2 in the MPR, and all are welcome.

The kids were given their Monday Folders today that include their math, vocabulary and spelling assignments for the week.

Science practice books will be collected on Friday. Students are responsible for all content between pages 2 & 49. (Most should be done, with only a few pages in need of completing.)

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Monday Folders
- Math 13.2 (1-28)
- RPB pages 182 & 183
- begin weekly spelling and vocabulary

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Howdy all, and thank you for checking in. Sorry to be posting late day.

Please remember that tomorrow is the final day for kids to turn in their Native California / Mission extra credit projects. Kids that turn them in will be sharing on Friday.

Friday is also the Big Spin award ceremony. Everyone is welcome to attend. We'll be honor student effort and citizenship. The hoopla takes place from 1-2 in the MPR.

Friday will bring a spelling and science quiz.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 12.5 (1-7)
- Read Practice Book pages 158 & 159
- complete spelling and vocabulary for Friday

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. You each should have received a call from Mrs. Dorney last night regarding next week's choir performance at Aptos High. I need to stress that this is not an event that your children are required to attend. There are fliers going home with the kids today regarding the logistics of the evening. As much as I would like to attend, I have class at San Jose State that evening. I'll be there in spirit!

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 12.4, problems 1-30
- nature log entry (kids can select their own subject to observe and write about)
- finish diseno mapping (if necessary)
- continue with spelling and vocabulary

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday & Wednesday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had an extremely productive day! If you'd not had the opportunity to look over the Monday folder, please do so. I wrote yesterday that I am modifying the homework schedule in an effort to help the kids better manage their time during the week (and, of course, keep myself more organized).

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 12.3 (1-30)
- reading practice book pages 166 & 167
- continue with spelling and vocabulary

Mr. Bryant

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday and the week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We are back to our classroom routine after what seemed like the shortest 5-day break ever. I hope you each enjoyed yourselves.

I'd like to send a big thank you out to Sheila Hurley for organizing our Thanksgiving Feast last Tuesday. It was genuinely enjoyable, and everyone's efforts were greatly appreciated.

You'll hopefully notice that I am attempting to change the manner in which homework is assigned. I'll be offering up some math and spelling / vocabulary materials in Monday Folders that can be done at any time during the week. I'll be assigning other materials during the course of the week, but am hoping that the Monday work will give the kids a head start on the week.

The Monday Folder is chock full of goodies, including the week's assignments and a study guide for Friday's science quiz. I have also included the reprinted report cards that corrected the error I made on the originals. All checks, minuses and pluses have are now accurately recorded.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Monday Folder
- Reading Practice Book pages 162 & 163
- spelling / math / vocabulary are printed on homework sheet

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Monday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you each a peaceful and happy Turkey Day. I'm not sending homework out this week, nor am I sending home Monday Folders. We'll get back to our normal schedule and routine next week.
The kids are very excited for tomorrow's potluck, and I am looking forward to spending time with the kids outside of an academic setting. We push through so much content and curriculum during the course of the school year, that it will be nice to socialize as people grateful for the company of each other. Plus, I am hearing that the menu is delicious!
I am sending home some extra credit opportunities for the kids, should they choose to dig a bit deeper with our social studies curriculum in the next week and a half.
I'm updating testing dates and assignments listed on the right column of the blog, so please be aware of upcoming deadlines, etc.

Gooble gooble,
Mr. Bryant

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thank you for checking in. We successfully completed the district's trimester writing prompt today. After I copy and score and the papers, I will be happy to send home results with your kids.

Its been a writing intensive week. We are working very well with our mission reports and are already on our third paragraphs. Once we complete our rough drafts, the kids will be making brochures for their mission using the Apple Pages program. Its a very cool program, and I am eager to share the ease of its use with the kids.

Friday will bring us a quick spelling quiz. We will also be working with crafting compasses as part of our magnetism studies. We will continue our writing efforts as well, both at grade level and in dictation with our kinder buddies.

I am thrilled to share that your kids were amazing at choir today. They are coming together with their efforts in a way that I think will surprise a good number of you when our performance date comes around in mid-December.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- spelling for tomorrow's quiz
- math 11 review, page 250, problems 1-20
- RPB page 142

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had a very productive writing day as we begin the composing of our individual mission reports. Today we collaborated in crafting a viable introductory paragraph and then worked on the purpose of mission buildings. Tomorrow we will be looking at how the lives of Native Americans were changed by Spanish influence before closing with secularization and the change of government within Alta California.
Tomorrow will also bring a district writing assessment. The kids will be reviewing and summarizing their understanding of literature on the Titanic. Should be good fun.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 11.4, pages 243 & 244, problems 1-24
- RPB pp 139 & 140 (possessive nouns)

Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had another excellent day! The kids participated in an amazing conversation this morning regarding class struggle and how governments have used differences to justify the oppression of segments of their populations. Really deep stuff, and fun to facilitate when you can see those little wheels spinning in their heads and connections being made. Just cool, and makes me excited to recognize our potential as a group.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Witches packet still due tomorrow.
- Reading practice book pages 132 & 133
- Math 11.3, page 239, problems 1-30

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, November 14, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had a very nice day today, and all appeared well-rested after our three day weekend. Hopefully we are developing a trend here!

Report cards are in your child's possession. You'll find much more than a report card inside each envelope. A detailed assignment page, AR progress and a new AR goal, as well as letters from the superintendent and myself are also included. Please take the time to read over the content of each. I would ask that signed report card envelopes be returned to class ASAP. I've indicated in my letter that the report cards contain an error, and I will be spending Wednesday afternoon correcting my transposed marks. None of the marks change or effect overall number grades. I will send modified report cards home with the kids on Friday or Monday.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Monday Folders & Report Cards
- Reading Practice Book pages 136 & 137 (this week's spelling)
- Math lesson 11.1, page 235, problems 1-27
- Complete The Witches packet no later than Wednesday

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had a very pleasant day, and the kids were charming. We were able to wrap up our literature study of the Witches by Roald Dahl, and the kids have until next Wednesday to complete and turn in their study packets.

We also reviewed the finer points of nature logs. The kids will be working on an observation of their choosing this afternoon / evening.

Thursday is the last day of this school week so that we may observe Veteran's Day on Friday. With that, I'd like to wish you each a peaceful three-day weekend. I will be on campus tomorrow, but only in the classroom until recess. The new report cards are taking some time to get used to, so I will be in the computer lab most of day in an effort to complete them.

Report cards go home on Monday, and will include a detailed print out of assignments and Accelerated Reader efforts for the first trimester. New AR goals will also be included with the report card, but goals are already available on-line.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 10.3, page 221, problems 1-25
- a nature log entry of the student's choosing (must not be man made or a pet)
- work with Witches packet as necessary
- complete Mrs. Mitchener's math problem of the week (if necessary)
- continue studying spelling words for tomorrow's quiz

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Oh, my friends. It would appear that we are now on our third round of lice exposures. I am at a loss as to how best approach the issue, as we keep a clean classroom. Lice cannot survive more than a day without a human host, so the classroom is not a breeding ground. I would ask that all jackets be washed immediately and that hats stay out of the classroom for the coming two weeks. These are only precautionary steps, mind you.

Class went smoothly today in my absence. The kids were able to complete a great deal of their homework prior to the final bell, so tonight's assignments may already be done! If not, they are as follows:

- math 10.2, pages 217 - 218, problems 1-25
- "Let's Write" from the back of California Studies Weekly

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, and the short week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We have a very busy and short week ahead of us. I will be on campus Tuesday working on math curriculum, but will not be in the classroom. I am also looking at taking Thursday to work on report cards, but have yet to secure a sub. I'll keep you all apprised as I learn more.

We are continuing our exploration of magnetism and electricity, are engaging with research on the California Missions and nearing the end of our literature unit on Roald Dahl's The Witches.

Thanks to those of you who made it to the mission on Friday. It was an enjoyable, low-key day. The kids were able to take part in a scavenger hunt that took to them through the nooks and crannies of the mission's history.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Monday Folder
- RPB pp 121 - 122
- math 10.1

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I just sent out a mass email explaining the details for tomorrow's trip, so I won't go into depth with them again here. Just quickly, I will remind you each that the kids should bring a sack lunch and a light jacket. We will be back by 2.
There is no homework tonight, as the kids should be getting together any missed assignments to turn in by tomorrow's semester end. Please remember that I am extending the AR deadline until Monday when we have access to the computer lab.
Thanks for a groovy first trimester!

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Just a few quick notes for your consideration:

- Picture retakes are tomorrow. If you are getting retakes, please bring in the original set of pictures and they will shoot again. Those who missed picture day can pick up order forms in the office.

- Thanks to those of you who volunteered to join us on Friday for our trip to San Juan Bautista. We have enough drivers now and the kids are excited to experience some history!

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- from California Studies Weekly, the kids will write a one-page response to the "Let's Write" prompt on the back page. Responses can be written on lined paper.

- Math chapter 9 review, page 204, questions 1-20

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday and beyond

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We are off to a busy week, and things went rather smoothly today after our sugar explosion yesterday. Thanks again to all the families who coordinated their efforts in pulling off a truly memorable day.

This Friday is our planned trip to Mission San Juan Bautista. We are low on drivers, and I am putting out a call to any brave, patient and available souls who might kindly join us for the day. The weather is finally supposed to turn nasty on Thursday, so if that is a consideration for you be mindful.

I met with each student this afternoon to go over any outstanding missing assignments. As many of you already know, Friday is the last day of the first trimester. While most kids were good, I did write out missing assignments for each child who has them. I will accept this work up through Friday. Kids have until Monday to work with AR for this grading period. While I met with the kids individually, the class was allowed time for homework and completing missing assignments. With that, homework may be light for many tonight.

If not completed here, the kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Weekly Folders
- Math 9.3, p. 197, problems 1-23
- Witches packet, "Hello, Grandmomma" chapter

respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Ghoulishly Groovy Day

One million thanks to the blood and sweat that went into organizing and pulling off today's Halloween festivities. From the toilet paper surplus to the dance party to the amazingly spooky food, everything was a blast.
Have a safe and exciting time Trick o' Treatin' tonight. Tomorrow is back to the grind. We'll be keeping it realistic, as I know that most of the kids will be sporting a sugar hangover.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thank you for checking in. Big day tomorrow as the kids work with their Native Californians quiz. The kids were told today that they would need to have their study guide in class tomorrow. Not only will they be turning it in, but they will also be able to reference it during the exam. The exam consists of about 15 questions, each requiring a sentence response. There are two extra credit questions as well that dig deeper in their understanding of the material.

Tonight, the kids should take care of the following:

- math 9.2, pages 193 & 194, problems 1-20
- finish any unfinished Witches work
- bring in Native American study guide for the quiz

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. What a difference a day makes! We had a genuinely pleasant day. No disruptions, no arguments, no name-calling, and some quality work time. Maybe we should wear pajamas every day!

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Complete any unfinished work from the "Ancient Ones" chapter of the Witches packet
- be prepared for Thursday's Math Problem o' the Week
- Math chapters 7 & 8 quiz. The kids are welcome to use their textbook in completing this take-home quiz, but I would appreciate parents not assisting (if possible).

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday & Wednesday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Well, there must be something in the air, as the kids are having an extremely difficult time focusing in the classroom. I don't know if there is excitement surround Halloween next week or tomorrow's pajama day, but I am having to crack the proverbial whip.

As I mentioned, tomorrow is a school wide spirit day. Student Leadership has deemed it Pajama Day. Kids are welcome to wear PJs, but pillows, blankets and stuffed animals are better left at home.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Witches packet, Bruno Jenkins Disappears chapter
- math 9.1, page 191, problems 1-6
- Explorer trading card should be completed to turn in on Wednesday

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday and the week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We're off to a wacky week already. We attempted some computer research in the lab this afternoon only to have the computers shut down on us twice. A disappointing experience, for sure.
We have officially wrapped our studies of Native Californians, and the students now have their study guides in the possession. During the course of the week the kids will need to ensure that the cover and back have been fully illustrated (in color), that their table of contents matches the organization of the guide, have completed their vocabulary and made finishing touches on notes, etc. The guide is there for them to review this week for Friday's quiz. The guide will need to come back to school on Friday!!!
Today we began our study of early explorers to California, which lends itself as a good introduction to next week's mission trip. If you've not submitted your child's permission slip, please do so quickly. There is plenty of room for drivers and chaperones, so please let me know if you'd like to come along and help out that day.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Monday Folders
- continue with Native Californians study guide
- Reading Practice Book page 110 (started in class)
- Reflections practice book page 21 (also started in class)
- math 8 review, page 186, problems 1-20 (strangely, also started in class)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We are still on lice patrol, so please be mindful of checking your child periodically. There is a great product available at CVS that is an electrified comb that zaps the nits and adult lice without having to use the heavy-duty medication. We have 5 confirmed cases at this point.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- math 8.4, pages 177 - 178, problems 1-29
- Reflections WB pages 22 & 23
- we have a spelling quiz tomorrow

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Wednesday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. It is my unfortunate duty to inform you each that the class has experienced a lice exposure again. Each student was screened by the school health clerk as a precautionary measure. You may choose to check your child again periodically during the course of this week as well, just to err on the side of caution.

Other than that, we are doing quite well as we wrap up our Native Californians studies. The study guides are coming together nicely, and we will finish the in-class portion of the work on Friday. The kids will then be able to take the material home for a week in an effort to prepare for next Friday's exam. Good times.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- complete Mrs. Mitchener's Problem o' the Week
- Math 8.3, page 175, problems 1-19
- Reflections review questions 1-5 on page 88 of the textbook. Answer are to be written as complete sentences on lined paper.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I don't know what is in the air, but the class has been wacky this week. Maybe they are all still wishing for a week's worth of restructured days! Regardless, we are moving forward with the hopes of a better tomorrow.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 8.2, pages 171 & 172, problems 1-27
- math problem o' the week
- continue with Tonya's Reunion spelling words

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, October 17, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I'd like to thank everyone for a very successful conference week. I felt that the conversations and outcomes were very positive, and I greatly appreciate your children being present. I know that many of them were nervous, but was glad to see most of them walk out with a renewed sense of self.

Today's Monday Folders are light on returned, as we were working on a short schedule last week. Please mindful of returning the Mission San Juan Bautista permission slips in a timely manner. Parents interested in coming along on the trip just need to drop me an email.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Monday Folder
- Math 8.1, page 169, problems 1 - 16
- Reading Practice Book pages 106 & 107 (this week's spelling list)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We are slowly working our way through the ocean animal reports this week, and the kids have done an amazing job in preparing and sharing their efforts. They've each become teachers themselves, and its been very cool to see them take such ownership for their work.

Thanks all for your patience as we tweak the math curriculum. As I have shared at conferences, I honestly feel the adjustments we are making will make math a more rewarding and less stressful experience.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the math chapter 7 review, page 158, problems 1-15.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- math 7.4, pages 152 - 153 , problems 1-29
- continue with any Witches materials not completed in class.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Howdy folks, and thanks for checking in. The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- math 7.3 on pages 149 & 150, problems 1-25
- finish any work from Chapter 1 of the Witches, "My Grandmother" that was not completed in class.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday & Conference Schedule

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Conference week is upon us, and I am still waiting on few folks who have yet to schedule meetings. If you have not scheduled a conference, please check over the available spots and email me ASAP.

Good news! I was able to snag an Ano Nuevo trip for us in late January. We'll be checking out the elephant seal reserve up north at the peak of the birthing season.

Bad news! Lice. Sorry, but we've got a confirmed case in the classroom, and health notices went home with the kids in their Monday folders today.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Monday Folders
- Math 7.2, pages 144-146, problems 1-29

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy folks, and thanks for checking in. I am honestly feeling a little worried for a few kids who have told me that they have yet to rewrite their ocean animal reports. Oh, the results of procrastinating! The reports and models are both due in class tomorrow :)

With that, the kids have only a few math problems tonight. They are responsible for math 7.1, page 143, problems 1-5.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday & Wednesday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I will be working at San Jose State on Wednesday, so I am including two days of work here.

Tuesday, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 6.4 , page 129, problems 1-5 and Math Talk
- continue with ocean animal report and model
- complete Long-Toed Salamander petition

Wednesday, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 6.5, pages 131 & 132, problems 1 - 30
- continue with ocean animal report and model
- Reflections practice book page 16 (use Native American study guide to help)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday and the week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We are trying something new this week with our math program, as the two workbooks have proven to be a huge source of confusion and stress. So, instead of working in the two separate books, we will be working only from the textbook. We'll begin lessons in the classroom, and the kids will take the balance home as their follow-up work. It is my hope that the kids stay on top of their work, but also find a greater sense of ease with the assignments by having the source material accessible to them with the textbook. The book will go back and forth, from school to home, each day.

We have hit all major points to the ocean animal writings, and the kids will have the week to complete their five paragraphs. They are welcome to type or print their efforts. If handwritten, I would ask that students skip lines between sentences. If typing, please use a reasonable 12 pt, double-spaced font.

Ocean Animal models are also due Friday, and the kids are welcome to bring them beforehand if they are completed.

There are not spelling or vocabulary words this week.

Student photo orders will go home on Tuesday.

Scholastic orders can be submitted until October 28. Please check the link on the blog to place an order.

The students are responsible for the following tonight:

- Monday Folders
- Math 6.3, pages 125 & 126, problems 1-27
- Ocean animal final drafts
- Ocean animal models

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had a very pleasant day. We are a few chapters from wrapping our reading of The Island of the Blue Dolphins. Friday and Monday will bring us closure to the literature portion of our studies, and next Friday will be our overall closing activity as the kids share their ocean animal writings and models. I know that many of the kids have started their model efforts, and I will be sending home the assignment sheet with them on Friday.

Tomorrow brings us to our first artist study of the year. We will be working with Paul Gauguin and explore his body of work.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 6.3
- Reading Practice Book pages 90 & 91 (proper vs. common nouns)
- double - check spelling list
- turn in nature log (if they have not already)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We have a beautiful day at the aquarium yesterday and I need to extend a hearty thank you to each of our chaperones that made our day a stress - free one. If you took pictures yesterday, I would encourage you to upload them to the photo album that Erika Brand has started and emailed out. Another big thanks to Erika for establishing the album as well.

The science test went well this morning, and the kids will get their results in next Monday's folder. Hopefully tomorrow's math test goes equally well.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 6.2
- a nature log entry on the insect of the student's choosing. Entries should include as much detail as possible, as well as an illustration. Nature logs are due no later than Friday.

Burnin' up, Mr. Bryant

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday & Tuesday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I sent an email on Saturday regarding Tuesday's field trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Hopefully you each had the opportunity to read it over. If not, I'll repeat a few details here. We'll be leaving school at 9 and returning at 3. Kids who ride the bus will be asked to take the late homework club bus at 4:30, and Sheila Hurley has volunteered to take the Magic Apple kids to their campus. If you'd like to pick up your child, please be at school at 3. If we are running late, I will phone the office with the details. Students need to bring a sack lunch, and are welcome to bring a camera if they so choose. Students do not need to bring money, as our entry to the aquarium is free (parents too!) and we will not be shopping in the gift stores.

I am including both Monday and Tuesday's homework here:

- Monday Folder
- Math 5.5 and 6.1
- Reading Practice Book pages 82 & 83 and 86 & 87
- begin brainstorming ideas for ocean animal 3-d model

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Just a head's up that the kids will have a science test next Wednesday. The test will cover the four chapters of the text that we have covered thus far, and include the ideas of predator / prey relationships, food chains & webs, energy for life, and habitats & niches. The test will be open book.

Tuesday is our aquarium trip, and we will be leaving school at 9am and returning at 3. As the trip ends after our normal school day, kids will be invited to take the homework club buses at 4:30 or have other arrangements made to get home. Students will need to bring a sack lunch and snack.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- math 5.4
- Reading Practice Book page 47
- finish Native Californian vocabulary and study for tomorrow's quiz. The words and sentences are due tomorrow as well.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Howdy all,and thanks for checking in. Just a gentle reminder that Thursday morning is picture day.

We began our studies of Native Californian cultures today, and the kids are constructing rather large study guides to help them differentiate the twelve plus tribes we'll be looking at coming weeks.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- continue with Native Californian vocabulary
- math 5.3
- Reading Practice book page 52
- problem o' the week # 4 is due tomorrow

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday and beyond

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in.
Remember that Thursday is class photo day (9:20 appt) and Friday is the Harvest Festival (5-9).

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- math 5.2
- finish native California legend (if necessary) and continue with vocabulary for the week. The quiz is Friday, and worksheets are due on Friday as well.
- Problem 'o the Week (POTW) #4
- Reading Practice Book page 50 (compound sentences)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday and the week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We are having that typical Indian Summer weather, and the kids are a little squirrely for it. I can't blame them, as I would rather be outside soaking up some vitamin D myself.

We have picture day on Thursday, and our scheduled time is 9:20. Make sure to avoid the trappings of bedhead that day, please.

I have yet to receive aquarium permission slips from the following kids, and would appreciate them turned in immediately: Kidasi & Matthew. If you need duplicate forms, please contact me or download a blank permission slip form from the school's website.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Monday Folders
- Native Californians vocabulary
- HM 5.1
- Reflections practice book page 13

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We have had an interesting week, and Friday is gearing up as no exception. The kids have had a groovy time working with the history of the Titanic and have been awed by documentary footage of the wreckage.
We are also near completion of our first book, Matilda. We'll celebrate by watching the film adaptation on Friday after we complete our quizzes on spelling and chapters 8 - 16 of Island of the Blue Dolphins.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 4.5 (yes, they can skip 4.4, as the classes has proven themselves extremely capable with the topic.)
- science practice book pages 64 - 67
- students who did not turn in their nature logs today have until tomorrow to do so.
- students who have not turned in chapters 2 & 3 of their math practice books must do so ASAP
- study spelling for tomorrow's quiz
- refresh your memory on chapters 8 - 16 in Island of the Blue Dolphins

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I am happy to report that we had a very pleasant day. The kids were engaged and respectful.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- math 4.3
- Reading Practice Book page 43
- a nature log entry on the bird of the student's choosing. The entry is due no later than Friday. (Students should check the notes from their last entry for suggestions on how to improve their efforts.)
- if students have yet to turn in chapters 2 and 3 from their math homework books should do so ASAP, as they were all due today.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We are deep into our study of the Titanic sinking this week, and it is weird to know that we are creeping up on the 100 year anniversary of the tragedy. The kids have been fascinated by the events and how, as a country, we celebrate the anniversaries of tragedies (i.e 9-11). You have a compassionate bunch of children.

We have begun our aquarium animal writings, and the kids are experimenting with introductions right now. Before we dive into the body paragraphs, they are attempting to structure an opening that lures in the reader by sharing what they think a day in the life of their animal might resemble.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 4.2
- reading practice book pages 41 & 42
- continue experimenting with introductory paragraph

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday & Conference Schedule

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Thanks also to those of you who endured my Back to School Night monologue and shenanigans. I have gone ahead and posted the conference schedule in the events section of the blog. So far we have a good number of families signed up, but still have about 8 to schedule. If you have not signed up for a conference time, please look over the available slots and email me with your preferred time. They are first come, first served, so please don't lolligag.

Monday Folders have information regarding the upcoming trip to the aquarium and next week's picture day. Also, if you'd like to accompany the class to the aquarium, please drop me an email with the number of seats you have available for passengers and submit your insurance information to the office.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Math 4.1
- Reading practice book pages 45 & 46 (this week's spelling words, with challenge words on page 411
- please have students remove chapters 2 & 3 from their math homework books, staple the individual chapters together and turn in by Wednesday.
- aquarium permission slip

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Hopefully I see a good number of you at tonight's Back to School event. Our festivities start at 7:30 for the upper grades.

With tonight's school event, I am not assigning new work for the kids. They should continue to study their science vocabulary for this week, as our quiz is tomorrow. The students will also need to turn in their completed vocabulary assignment. Students should also have a minimum of three aquarium animals to choose from as we select our report topics tomorrow.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Just a short message for our short day.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Math 3.4
- continue with science vocabulary
- Science practice book pages 62 & 63
- continue brainstorming animals for the aquarium report

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We're off to a short week, so we'll be doing a few things differently. For starters, the kids will not have spelling words this week and instead will be working with science vocabulary. They'll have the week to work with the words and the will have a short quiz on Friday.

Please remember that Thursday is Back to School Night. I'll go over the school year with you in as much detail I can in the 40 minutes we have together. I'll be going over the conference schedule while everyone is here as well, so please come prepared with a few times that you might be able to meet in mid-October.

Weekly Folders are going home today, so please be on the look out for them.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Start brainstorming animals for Monterey Bay Aquarium rpeort
- Math 3.3
- Science vocabulary and sentences
- Weekly Folders

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Word on the street is that a good number of kids are playing hooky tomorrow so that they can extend their Labor Day weekends by venturing off to Tahoe. I'll save my rant for back to school night next Thursday, but will let folks know now that those who are absent will have two tests to make up next week.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Math 3.2
- Reading Practice Book pages 36 & 37 (started in class)
- California Reflections practice book pages 10 & 11 (most finished in class)
- students who did not complete their nature log entry on a bird last night will need to turn their work in on Friday

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Short day = short message.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Nature Log entry on a wild bird
- Math 3.1
- Reading Practice Book pages 32 & 34

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I've updated the calendar to include our September 27th trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I'll be sending home permission slips in the coming weeks and soliciting for drivers / chaperones.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Math 2.4
- Reading Practice Boom pages 26 & 27

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, August 29, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We're looking at a groovy week as we begin our fourth grade rotations. On Thursday and Friday afternoons, the classes will take turns with Mr. McMillan and Mrs. Davis working on music appreciation and beginning Spanish courses.

Accelerated Reader goals went home with the kids in their weekly folders today. These goals are for the first trimester only. You are welcome to monitor your child's progress with this program by logging into AR from home. It is accessible through the school's website. Your child has their personal log-in information.

I would ask that you take advantage of the Scholastic Book Club whenever possible, as the classroom earns books and classroom supplies with every order placed. If possible, I am trying to eliminate the paper trail by asking folks to order on-line. The link is in the lower right hand corner of the blog. The classroom has a personal access code as well.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Weekly Folders
- HM math 2.3
- Reading Practice book pages 30 & 31

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Sorry to get this up late today, however I facilitate an after school program on Thursdays in the classroom. I'll try to get them up as early as possible.

Not to hound folks, but it is extremely important for the kids to have the supplies that I listed for you last week sooner than later. We are using them frequently, and the kids that don't have them are feeling left out. I can offer them substitutes (as I have been doing), but they are loose leaf paper that tends to get shoved in desks and lost. Please obtain a composition book and sketch book ASAP.

We had the opportunity to visit the computer lab today and the kids took their initial reading assessments. These assessments gauge their vocabulary and comprehension skills, from which I set Accelerated Reader goals. Goals are now accessible on line and I will send hard copies home with the kids on Monday in their Weekly Folder.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Math 2.2
- Reading Practice book page 8
- continue studying spelling words for tomorrow's quiz

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We've had an interesting few days exploring the scientific process. The kids were given a set of materials yesterday afternoon and asked to collaborate with a partner or two in designing a structure that would support the weight of a one pound book. There was excitement and frustration, successes and failures. In the end, we discovered that science is just that, trial and error. We are fortunate enough to have a very hands-on science curriculum in fourth grade, so we will be exploring much together this year.

Tuesday brought us our first visit from Mrs. Mitchener this year. She'll be working on math support and enrichment twice a week with the upper grades. She offers additional support on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the library. Students are welcome to drop in between 7:30 and 7:55.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- HM math 2.1 (pages 11 & 12)
- Reading Practice Book page 14
- keep at working with spelling words for Friday's quiz

Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in.

Wednesday is NOT a restructured day, sadly. The kids will be dismissed from class at 2:10.

We officially finished chapter 1 in our math book today, and the kids will be completing the final homework (1.4) from the chapter tonight. As we finish each math chapter, I will ask the kids to tear out the completed lesson pages, staple them together and then bring them in for credit. We will have a short chapter quiz tomorrow as well.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 1.4 (pages 7 & 8)
- Reading Practice book pages 6 & 7

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy Monday & Math Help

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in.

The Monday Folder is light on materials today, but please take the time to look over the Welcome Back Letter from the Patent Alliance.

I am not able to provide individual student math cd-roms this year. Still, I have included a link to the HM Math program on the right hand side of this page. Clicking on the link will take you to the help page when one might need assistance with homework or in clarifying lesson understanding.

The students are responsible for the following tonight:

- Monday Folders
- Math Homework pages 1.3
- Reading Practice Book pages 3, 10 & 11. Spelling words for the week can found under the Akiak heading on page 409. Please tear that page out to reference, but all other pages remain in the book for now.

Mr. Bryant

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day Two

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We experienced our second pleasant day in a row, and the kids are settling easily into classroom routines. We'll be holding our first classroom meeting tomorrow afternoon to discuss our high and low points for the week and talk out our strengths as a community of learners.
Thanks to those of you who sent back in the weekly folder today! I appreciate your efforts. If you've not had the opportunity to dig into the materials yet, please do.
In regards to classroom supplies, several of you have inquired about the sketch book. I have been made aware that 8" x 11" books are not available and that they run at the 9"x 12" size. These are more than fine to purchase and I apologize for the confusion.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Math 1.2 (pages 3 & 4)
- Nature Log entry (to be written in black composition books and modeled after today's experience outside).

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Wednesday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had a very smooth first day, as was expected. Please check with your child, as each was sent home with a folder of materials that will require your attention. Please attempt to return the materials in a timely manner (along with the folder).

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Weekly folders
- Math 1.1
- select a book for DEAR time

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Welcome to Lucky Room 13

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The following students are enrolled in room 13 this year :
Ryan A.
Ava A.
Cameron A.
Mohammed A.
Sean B.
Matthew B.
Zachary C.
Margaret C.
Bryeanna C.
Danny D.
Emily D.
Gabriella F.
Ian F.
Avarey G.
Nicolas H.
Kye H.
Abigail I.
Lauren J.
Zackary J.
Grant K.
Amelia L.
Julia McC.
Dylan McK.
Abigail M-Q.
Kidasi N.
Evan R.
Tobin R.
Layla S.
Justin T.
Jamie W.
Tara Z.

Kids are expected to come to class on time each day prepared to do their best. Students will need dry-erase markers and pencils on a daily basis. A hand-powered pencil sharpener is also recommended, as we purposefully do not have a sharpener in the classroom. Electric sharpeners are not allowed. A water bottle is also recommended. Paper and general supplies will be stocked in the classroom.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We've got a lot going on these last few days of school, so I will do my best to keep folks apprised of our goings on.
First, the kids' artist reports are due on Wednesday. Please remember that all materials for the report will need to be here on Wednesday, but we will be working with a lottery system to see who shares on Wednesday and Thursday, with the remainder of the kids sharing on Friday.
Secondly, Friday is the final day to turn in any assignments that may be missing or incomplete.
Third, both the KOA and Boardwalk days next Thursday have been set, and all permission slips / funds have been collected. The fourth grade classrooms each have an additional obligation for the KOA day, and our classroom has been assigned the task of bringing desserts for the after pizza experience.
Fourth, we will begin working on our class mural this week. We'll be using paints that do not wash out of clothing, so I again ask that the kids not wear clothing that they are bent of keeping pristine (cuz it ain't gonna happen). We should be finishing up our acrylic portraits this week as well.
Fifth, I am not sending home folders now until the last day of school. They'll include final works and report cards.
Sixth, I am sending our Cindy Sherman framed art and Chuck Close portraits home with the kids today.
Seventh, I am sure that I am leaving something out.

Have a great afternoon, Mr. Bryant

Monday, May 16, 2011

The week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We are officially in countdown mode, and we are all beside ourselves with the prospect of ending the school year. I won't be posting much as things wind down, but will simply remind students and families that artists reports begin on May 25th. I will not be posting a presentation schedule for the week, as students will need to be prepared on the 25th.

We've begun our portraits and are working with acrylics. These paints do not wash out of clothes, so please be mindful not to send the kids to class in something they treasure.

I got the mural penned Saturday night. Looked amazing. The rains washed away the work on Sunday, so it will be put off until next week.

I will be out on Friday.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Well, tonight is the night! It's Open House 2011! We're got the room ready to go, and we are eager to share our year with you all. The festivities are from 6:30 to 8 in Lucky Room 13, however the 4th and 5th grade classes are also hosting a burrito feed and bake sale in the quad (so please support their efforts if you can).
And, if you haven't submitted permission slips and funds for the end-of-the-year grade level trips, please bring them tonight or Friday (at the latest).

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The kids are putting the final touches on some projects they are eager to share with you tomorrow night, so be sure to make plane to be at the Open House from 6:30 - 8.
Tonight, if the kids haven't done so already, they will need to select a minimum of 3 artists to potentially research for their upcoming presentation. We'll have an artist-lotto tomorrow morning to determine who is research who. Hopefully it all goes well!
Please remember to get permission slips and $ to classroom by Friday for the end of the year activities.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Just a few notes for the day:
1.) California reports are due tomorrow for the fourth grade. Floats are due at the same time.
2.) Heritage reports are due for the fifth grade tomorrow.
3.) Information regarding the artist reports went home with the kids today. We'll be making decisions on subject matter on Thursday morning and beginning our research that afternoon.
4.) If you've not submitted permission slips for the respective end of the year trips, please do so no later than Friday of this week.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, May 9, 2011

a heavy sigh of relief

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. It is with great pleasure that I announce our official completion of the State STAR testing for the school year. Make ups and 5th grade persuasive writings took place today, and each were completed with a minimum of fuss. The kids were troopers this year, and several expressed that the exams were "a piece of cake." That's an idiom, you know.

Monday and Tuesday should have the kids putting the finishing touches on their reports, as Wednesday's due date is looming. I'll be handing out their artist report information sheets on Wednesday as well. This last report is an oral presentation, so hopefully that will alleviate some of the stresses that accompany the writing process.

Please also check your email regarding class placements for next year.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday - Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. This is more than likely the last post I'll offer up this week, as the kids should be focusing their efforts now on Heritage or State Reports. Daily math will not be happening during the testing window. We managed our first STAR language component with a minimum of fuss. Please refer to yesterday's blog entry for the list of testing times and subjects for the remainder of the week.

Also, the fourth grade received a flier from Tawni Pardue regarding the fourth grade bake sale at Open House next week. Please be on the look out for it. Similarly, the fifth grade received an email from Jennifer Eldredge today regarding the burrito feed at the Open House.

Take care, Mr. Bryant

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Countdown Begins...

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We are in the home stretch to summer, and the excitement is tangible. It is my sincere hope that each of you had a pleasant and healthy Spring Break. My adventures in Southern California were great, and a much needed recharge.

Tomorrow brings the start of the much-dreaded STAR assessments. Our schedule for the week is as follows:
Tuesday 10:25 - noon Language 1 (4th and 5th)
Wednesday 8:30 - 10 Language 2 (4th and 5th)
Thursday 10:25 - noon Math 1 (4th and 5th) & 1-2 Science 1 (5th only)
Friday 8:30 - 10 Math 2 (4th and 5th) & 10:30 - noon (5th only)
If the kids want cocoa after testing, they need to provide a mug for themselves. And, its true, I do allow gum during the testing and the kids are welcome to bring their favorite cud to chew.

I informed the kids today that daily homework assignments are all but done for the year, and that their efforts will need to be directed toward their reports. California (4th) and Heritage (5th) reports are due next week, and artist report information will go home next week.

This week will be wrapping up our work in the Saxon math text. We still have a few chapters to work with in the California math text, but the majority of it will be worked on in class. The fourth grade will be finishing their work with Number the Stars and beginning Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, while the fifth grade will begin their reading of Harriet Tubman. Fourth grade is starting their final science unit on electricity and magnetism, and the fifth grade will begin their research on the water cycle.

And, finally, remember that next Thursday is our annual Open House Event! Mark your calendars, as we are excited to share our learning and efforts with you all.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, Beyond & Hot Chocolate

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We are so very close to freedom, and the air is alive with the promise of sleep and sunshine. Please enjoy your Spring Break. There is not specific homework tonight, but the fourth grade has selected their respective topics for their California Reports and the fifth grade has their Heritage Reports. The due date will sneak up on us quickly, so it is my sincere hope that the kids get a head start on their research. The fourth grade was given the handout for the visual aide that will accompany their written report today.

Finally, state testing will begin on the Tuesday we return and continue through that week. I make hot cocoa for the kids to celebrate the end of their testing each day, but I would ask that kids bring in a ceramic mug so that I am not buying and throwing away insulated cups each day.

Enjoy, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We're off to a great start with the kids' science projects. We'll be sharing the remainder of their work tomorrow and Thursday.

I'm going easy on the homework for the remainder of the week in the hopes that the kids get a head start on their next project (heritage or California report).

Both grades are responsible for Saxon 116 tonight, however I'd suggest that the fourth grade review their science for tomorrow's exam.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, April 18, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Please check over the Monday Folders, as I have assigned the kids next writing project. The fourth grade will be working on their California Reports over the next three weeks and the fifth grade will be working on their Heritage Reports during the same time frame.
The kids have their Science Projects due tomorrow, so hopefully they are near wrapping up their efforts. With that in mind, each grade has only Saxon 115 to work with this evening.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We're making wonderful progress with our anthology for the Young Authors Fair. The kids have been furiously typing expanded versions of some of the quick writes we've worked on during the course of the year. They're coming out nicely, and the kids are adding illustrations to compliment their work.

Tomorrow brings the due date for another writing, as the kids should be completing their final drafts of the picture is worth a thousand words story. I'm excited to share and read their efforts.

The fifth grade has a solar system exam tomorrow consisting of ten short answer questions. The fourth grade will have a short answer exam next Wednesday on land movement. They'll receive a short study guide on Friday to begin working with.

Just as a friendly reminder, science projects should be coming to their fruition this weekend. Completed projects are due Tuesday morning. The kids will be sharing their efforts with the class between Tuesday and Thursday of next week.

Finally, the kids are responsible for the following tonight:


- Saxon 113 / HM math 20.3
- finish 1,000 word final draft


- Saxon 113 / HM math 20.1
- finish 1,000 word final draft
- study for science exam

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The kids are responsible for the following this evening:


- Saxon 112 / HM math 20.3
- 1,000 word story final draft for Friday
- Illustration for anthology (if not already turned in)


- Saxon 112 / HM math 19.5
- 1,000 word story final draft for Friday
- Illustration for anthology (if not already turned in)
- continue studies for solar system quiz

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Amazing News!

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I am very excited to inform you that after my groveling yesterday that our classroom art project through Donor's Choose has been fully funded! Thanks to all of you who contributed. The kids and I are very happy, and look forward to creating some masterpieces after the spring break.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:


- Saxon 111 / HM math 20.2
- 1,000 word story rough draft due tomorrow for peer editing
- Number the Stars, chapter 8


- Saxon 111 / HM math 19.4
- 1,000 word story rough draft due tomorrow for peer editing
- Willy Freeman, chapter 9
- continue with solar system study guide for Friday's quiz

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, April 11, 2011

A New Week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Lots of news to share, so here we go:

We are down to the wire with our Donors Choose classroom art fundraiser. The deadline for donations is the 14th. If you're able to even donate a few dollars, the gesture would be most appreciated. The link is in the upper right corner of the blog.

Progress Reports headed home in Monday Folders today. Please keep in mind that these are progress reports and not reflective of a final grade. Again, they are offered to keep everyone apprised of work that has been submitted for grades, and what those totals are. The fifth grade is not receiving a report on their USA studies thus far. While we are working with the subject matter, no assignments have been graded yet.

Students received the folders today that they are to submit their science projects on. They are simple and compact, but more than enough to craft a display from. Please remember that all projects are due on the 19th. Tuesday is the final check in, and students should submit a piece of lined paper outlining their progress thus far.

The fifth grade has a science exam on Friday for which they received a study guide today.

There are no vocabulary words this week or next.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:


- Saxon 110
- HM 20.1
- science project check-in
- a picture tells a 1,000 words


- Saxon 110
- HM 19.3
- science project check-in
- a picture tells a 1,000 words
- study for Friday's science exam

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday and Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Before I forget tomorrow is a school-wide spirit day. The kids are allowed to wear pajamas. Hopefully we can just sleep the day away!

We are having a good time in the fifth grad constructing our model of the solar system. As they start the final touches of their planets, the fourth grade will begin constructing their landform models. We'll be constructing a papier-mache volcano to start with, and it just might erupt in the near future. We'll keep you posted.

Kids should be diligently working with their science experiments over the next two weeks, as the due date will creep up on us very quickly. Next Tuesday the kids will need to submit an update as to how far they have progressed with their overall effort. On Monday, I will provide the kids with poster board for their reports. Under no circumstances should kids buy those giant white tri-fold boards for this project.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:


- Saxon 108
- Stars vocabulary
- Stars chapter 7
- finish penpal letters if you have not done so


- Saxon 108
- Willy vocabulary
- Willy chapter 7

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

appeasing a student request


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I'd like to again extend a hearty thanks to Melina Dames, Linda Moore and Ellen Abelar for coming along with the fifth grade to NASA yesterday. We had a very interesting afternoon. And we'd also like to thank Grace Nigh for making herself available to stay with the fourth grade.

The kids are getting a little flustered with their science projects, partly because I am asking them to be extremely meticulous with their effort. Tomorrow, each student will need to submit the following information on lined paper:

1. a hypothesis that explains what they feel the results of their experiment will be, and WHY they are expecting said results. Don't skimp on details.

2. a materials list that details all supplies that will be used during the course of the experiment.

3. a step-by-step account of how the experiment will be carried out.

Other than the hypothesis, each student is responsible for Saxon 107 and should be continuing their effort with this week's vocabulary.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday & Tuesday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We have a hectic week in front of us as we juggle readings and projects. The kids should be working on their science projects with the goal of drafting a hypothesis and procedures list for Thursday of this week.

I'll be out with the fifth grade tomorrow at NASA, and Grace Nigh will be here with the fourth grade. The kids will be working with her on their new science unit; changes to the earth's surface.

Since I won't be back on campus until Tuesday evening, I am posting Monday's and Wednesday's work here:


- Monday Folder
- Number the Stars vocabulary
- Number the Stars chapters 4 (Monday) and 5 (Tuesday)
- Saxon 105 (Monday) 106 (Tuesday)
- Science hypothesis


- Monday Folder
- Willy Freeman vocabulary
- Willy Freeman chapters 4 (Monday) and 5 (Tuesday)
- Saxon 105 (Monday) 106 (Tuesday)
- Science hypothesis
- must bring sack lunch on Tuesday

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had a very nice day. The fourth grade was able to hear from and correspond with their pen pals in Spain, while the fifth grade began their work on our replica of the solar system. Papier mache is a blast! We had a good laugh when we realized that if we were to recreate the planets to scale that Jupiter would be 12 feet across in comparison to our little 14 inch Earth. At least we aimed high! The kids are getting psyched for NASA next Tuesday, and we are nearly set to launch. Bad pun day, eh?

The Investigative Questions for the upcoming science experiments are looking promising. Each student got their question back from me today with leading questions and concerns as to how best approach their next steps.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:


- Saxon 103
- Number the Stars vocab
- study biomes for tomorrow's quiz
- read chapter 3 of Number the Stars


- Saxon 103
- Willy Freeman vocab
- read chapter 3 of Willy Freeman

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The kids are responsible for the following tonight:


- Saxon 102
- Number the Stars vocabulary
- science investigative question
- book report
- continue studying for Friday's biome quiz


- Saxon 102
- Willy Freeman vocabulary
- science investigative question
- book report

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Fever has Sprung!

Howdy, and thanks for checking in. With the Break looming and warm weather on the horizon, your children have gone a bit batty. We had a lovely discussion this afternoon about respect and responsibility for one's self on campus, as the good traits we've modeled throughout the year seem to be less important these days. The kids might accuse me of "turning to the dark side" in the next few days, but I'll be cracking the proverbial whip until we are back up to par.

Yes, the assignments do seem to be piling on as the year winds down, but I am only introducing projects incrementally. Still, the monthly book report and investigative question for the science project are both due on Thursday. Beyond that, the kids are responsible for the following:


- Saxon 101
- Number the Stars chapter 2
- Number the Stars vocabulary
- study for Friday's biome quiz


- Saxon 101
- Willy Freeman chapter 2
- Willy Freeman vocabulary

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday and the week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Hopefully you each managed a peaceful weekend. Things were crazy here last week with the rain and power outages. Weird to think that we can go from three inches of rain on Friday alone to temperatures projected for the low 80's this week.

The fifth grade is still in need of drivers / chaperones for next Tuesday's trip to NASA. Ellen Abelar and Melina Dames have been kind enough to volunteer their time and energy. Will you? Please let me know if you are able to help us out. We'll be leaving school around 11am and returning in the early evening.

The school's 8th annual dinner and auction is coming up this Saturday, and, sadly, I will be out of town and unable to attend. I usually look forward to making a fool of myself, so hopefully someone can be foolish for me instead. If you haven't taken a gander at it yet, the on-line auction is live! I have placed myself up for bidding this year, so be be sure to check out my breakfast for three (and me) at the Silver Spur!

If you haven't been able to donate to the classroom's Donors Choose Project, please click on the link in the upper right hand corner of the blog. We've been fortunate to receive funding from several individuals thus far, but are still needing in the neighborhood of $400 to complete a very cool art project. There are three weeks left to help us out, so if you are able to help please do.

The grades are both jumping into new literature this week, and both novels are historical fiction. The fifth grade is exploring the universe and the fourth grade is wrapping up their biome studies.

Students are responsible for the following tonight:


- Monday Folders
- Saxon 100
- Number the Stars chapter 2 by Wednesday
- Number the Stars vocabulary, section 1 by Friday
- study for land biome quiz


- Monday Folders
- Saxon 100
- War Come to Willy Freeman chapter 2 by Wednesday
- War Come to Willy Freeman vocabulary by Friday

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We'll we went our last two hours of the day without power, so it was not the most academic of afternoons. Still, the kids were given a small amount of homework to deal with tonight. Each child is responsible for the Terabithia vocabulary and Saxon 99. Terabithia packets will be collected tomorrow, so all assignments we've worked on will be collected.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I'll be out of the classroom on Wednesday, so am including homework assignments for tonight and tomorrow below. I'll be back in the classroom on Thursday. Should you need to contact me, please do so through email.


- HM math (17.4 for fourth and 16.5 for fifth)
- Saxon 97
- problem o' the week
- Terabithia vocabulary


- HM math (17.5 for fourth and 16.6 for fifth)
- Saxon 98
- problem o' the week
- Terabithia vocabulary

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, March 21, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I wanted to take a moment to congratulate all of the kids on their combined and individual efforts with last Friday's group conservation presentations. I was so impressed with what the kids were able to pull together in just a week's time.
We are currently on our second round of SPECTRA artists, and the kids will be spending the remainder of March and early April working with a local cartoonist. We've spent two weeks working with facial structures, and eventually the kids will be working with an entire strip. Be sure to check Monday folders today for information about Jon's work and upcoming events.
We are wrapping up our studies of Bridge to Terabithia this week. The kids have really enjoyed the book, and it has sparked many an interesting conversations around the subjects of friendship, bullying and loss. Next week we will segue back into lit circle groups, as the grade levels will engage with some historical fiction aligned with their studies.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- HM math (17.3 for fourth and 16.4 for fifth)
- Saxon 96
- Terabithia vocabulary, section 5
- Monday Folders

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Yikes, the Big Spin was a screaming-fest, but it was great to honor the kids and their accomplishments.

I am very much looking forward to tomorrow's group presentations. The kids have had an interesting week preparing for both their individual efforts and the overall group effort. Lots of disagreements, lots of compromises, and lots of very interesting group dynamics have driven the kids. Hopefully tonight they are not cramming to complete their work and can simply practice their portion of the presentation.

Other than the presentations, the kids are all responsible for the same material tonight. Each student should complete the following:

- Morning HM math
- Saxon 95
- Terabithia vocabulary for tomorrow's quiz

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Thanks to the fifth grade families who have turned in their NASA field trip forms. If you'd like to accompany us on this trip, we are in need of two additional chaperones / drivers (preferably with seats for 5 students per car, as we are attempting to take as few cars as possible). Just drop me a line if you'd like to come along, as it is sure to an interesting and exciting day over the hill.

The Big Spin Assembly is Thursday afternoon from 1 - 2 in the MPR. Cheering sections are more than welcome to attend!

Tonight and tomorrow are Rio Restaurant Nights at Village Host Pizza. Let them know you're from Rio, and they'll donate a percentage of the evening's profits back to the school. Good times.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:


- Saxon 94
- Terabithia vocabulary
- continue with group presentation work


- HM 16.1
- Saxon 94
- Terabithia vocabulary
- continue with group presentation work

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Our schedule was a hectic one today, as the Family Life schedule for the fifth grade students was shuffled repeatedly. Still, we were able to get through the day's plans, and most of the kids were able to get a good head start on their homework. It is my hope that they will utilize their time these next few afternoons and nights with their conservation reports for Friday. The kids have been reminded of the rubric that they will be graded with, so they understand the expectations, etc.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

Fourth -

- Saxon 93
- HM 16.4
- Terabithia vocabulary
- group presentation work

Fifth -

- Saxon 93
- HM 15.6
- Terabithia vocabulary
- group presentation work

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday and beyond

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The world has been a terrifying place these past few days, and the kids and I have had some very interesting discussions about Japan and our collective fears of loss and suffering. As many of you may or may not know, Mrs. Koue's daughter, Kristen, lives in Sendai, Japan, where the majority of the immediate damage took place. Thankfully, she is well. Sadly, we know there have been thousand of deaths, and the pictures of devastation are all too vivid. I'm sure that many of you have already spoken with your children about what is happening in the world, but please continue to keep the dialogue open. They are curious beyond words.

I will attempt to go light on the homework this week, as the kids are preparing themselves for their conservation speeches this Friday. The effort is a collaborative one, and each child will contribute to a single group effort. I'll be grading the kids as individuals for their speaking poise, the level of information they choose to share, and their overall contribution to the effectiveness of the group. I'll also be grading the overall group effort, especially in the area of cooperation toward a common goal.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:


- Monday Folder
- HM math 16.3
- Saxon 92
- Terabithia vocabulary, section 2
- group presentation work


- Monday Folder
- HM math 15.5
- Saxon 92
- Terabithia vocabulary, section 2
- group presentation work

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The kids were assigned a collaborative presentation project for next Friday. Be sure to ask your child their subject matter, and how they plan on presenting their research.
I've got some bummer news to share. Our planned Sacramento trip is not coming together as planned. Sadly, the State Park reservation department cannot get us into more than a single historical site (of the four that we planned to visit) on a single day. I'd like to thank everyone for their support of the trip, and I am sorry to disappoint at this juncture.
Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:


- Hm 16.1
- Saxon 91
- study for Friday's Terabithia vocabulary quiz
- completed 3rd draft of story to turn in


- HM 15.4
- Saxon 91
- study for Friday's Terabithia vocabulary quiz
- completed 3rd draft of story to turn in

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The kids are responsible for the following tonight:


- HM math 15.6
- Saxon 90
- continue with storytelling edits if necessary
- study for Ms. Manion's skeletal quiz


- HM math 15.3
- Saxon 90
- continue with storytelling edits of necessary
- study for Ms. Manion's skeletal quiz
- Reflections pages 432 - 435 and practice book page 102

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I am still working to coordinate the Sacramento trip, and will keep you all in the loop as the details emerge. Thanks for your support with this trip, as I know it will be an amazing one.
The report card fall-out seems to be leaning toward the positive, and the kids and I discussed our need to renew our focus in this last stretch of the school year. As I wrote yesterday, we have much to accomplish, and I am looking forward to some amazing culminating activities and assignments that will both challenge and enrich the kids.
Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

Fourth -

- Saxon 89
- HM math 15.5
- Reflections practice book page 83
- continue with Terabithia vocabulary for Friday's quiz

Fifth -

- Saxon 89
- HM math 15.2
- Reflections practice book ch. 9 study guide
- continue with Terabithia vocabulary for Friday's quiz.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, March 7, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I'd like to extend an official welcome to our third and final trimester together. Weird how incredibly fast this year is passing by. Monday Folders have report cards in them, so please take the time to review progress and concerns with your child. With few exceptions, grades remained strong during the second trimester, and I am pleased with the progress of the classroom. ***Please return signed report card envelopes ASAP *** We will be honoring student achievement next Friday, March 18th @ The Big Spin. In the meantime, I am pleased to note the following fifth grade students for their academics:

Honor Roll: Ian, CeCe, Kaylee, Kyle, Lucas and Sky.
Principal's List: Arielle, Ethan, Megan and Trevor.

With this third trimester upon us, the kids can look forward to an individual science project, an artist report, a class play / film, a classroom writing anthology and a classroom mural. Of course, these are all on top of our daily content studies! Yup, we are reaching for the moon and the stars.
The third trimester will see us move away from the grade-level reading anthology and into literature studies. Today we began our exploration of Bridge to Terabithia, a Newberry winner from 1987. Fourth grade can still look forward to Number the Stars and Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, while the fifth grade can anticipate War Comes to Willie Freeman and a title TBD.

Tonight, the students are responsible for the following:


- Monday Folders
- Saxon 88
- HM 15.4 (if not completed in class)
- Terabithia vocabulary


- Monday Folders
- Saxon 88
- HM 15.1 (if not completed in class)
- Terabithia vocabulary

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Sorry to be posting late, but I am knee deep in report cards. I wanted to offer up a quick reminder to everyone that Family Life begins next Tuesday for fifth grade students. We will be sitting in with Mr. Kitch's class from 1-2. Also, Jogging for the Arts is tomorrow morning. Our scheduled time is @ 9am. You're welcome to come cheer us on!

The kids just have math to work on tonight.

- Saxon 86
- HM 15.2

- Saxon 86
- HM 14.5

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Just a friendly reminder that Thursday is the last possible day that I will be able to accept work from students for this grading trimester.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- HM math 15.1 (if not completed in class)
- finish rough draft of story for editing tomorrow

-HM math 14.4 (if not completed in class)
- finish rough draft of story for editing tomorrow

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We closed both grade level book study / literature circle groups today with varying degrees of success. Students who have yet to submit their study guides and lit packets have until tomorrow to do so.
Thanks to parents who have signed and reviewed the 3rd trimester goal sheet with their child. This final trimester will soar by quickly, and the kids will be asked to up the ante on a weekly basis. The more focused we function as individuals, the better we will work as a classroom.
Jogging for the Arts is this Friday, and our scheduled running time is 9am.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:


- Saxon 85
- Problem o' the Week
- Great Horn Spoon packet


- Saxon 85
- Problem o' the Week
- My Brother Sam packet
- Reading practice book pages 235 & 236

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, February 28, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had a great first day back together, and it felt good to be back in the room. Sounds like last week was a mixed bag, but I applaud the kids and their effort to manage in my absence.

Tomorrow officially ends the second grading trimester, but with my absence I am needing to extend the date to Thursday. I'm caught up with my work, but too many kids have been out and are needing to submit missing assignments for credit. Students who were absent last week have been given make-up work.

Goal setting assignments have been sent home with each student. I would appreciate these goals to be returned to me no later than Wednesday, and signed by child and parent.

Fifth grade parents, please be on the look out for family life materials that went home in today's folders.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:


- Monday Folder
- Goal Setting
- Saxon 84
- Literature Circle meeting is tomorrow morning. Be prepared with your packet and job!
- Reading practice book pages 251 & 252


- Monday Folder
- Goal Setting
- Saxon 84
- Literature Circle meeting is tomorrow morning. Be prepared with your packet and job!
- Family Life form

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Almost Well

Howdy folks, and thanks for checking in. I am feeling much better, but am still lacking the energy for a full day of school on Friday. Ms. Landmann has graciously agreed to hang out with the class for another day, so I am happy to take her up on the offer. She informs me that class is going very well, and the kids are working very well.
I just wanted to toss out some friendly reminders:
1. T-shirt contest entries are due this Friday.
2. Book reports are due on Monday.
3. This grading period ends next Friday, so kids teetering with their AR points should use their time wisely.
4. I've picked up their work from the classroom from this week, so I can return everything to kids on Monday.

Each grade is responsible for Saxon 82 tonight.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday & Wednesday

Howdy folks, not to gross anyone out, but the flu hit me hard today and I am not enjoying the symptoms at all. And here I thought I had made it through the season unscathed. Mrs. Landmann will be here on Wednesday. Homework for tonight and tomorrow are as follows:

- Saxon 80 & 81
- problem o' the week
- lit circle jobs (meetings are Wednesday and next Tuesday)
- study for Wednesday's water biome quiz

- Saxon 80 & 81
- problem o' the week
- lit circle jobs (meetings are Wednesday and next Tuesday)
- Reading Practice Book pages 220 & 221

Puking now, Mr. B

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Wet days + stir-crazy students = an interesting classroom. Sounds like an odd math equation, but we actually managed through our confinement today and intermittent energy surges.
There are still a good number of students out with varying degrees of illness. I've wiped down every imaginable surface with bleach wipes several times this week, so hopefully can curtail additional cases from occurring.
I sent out an email today as well regarding the responses and concerns regarding the Sacramento trip, so check your mailboxes.
Also, I'll be out of the classroom tomorrow working on materials for San Jose State. Mrs. Abelar will be here in my place.

The kids are responsible for the following:


- Saxon 78
- science practice book pages 96 & 97
- studying for next Wednesday's water biomes quiz


- Saxon 78

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The kids are responsible for the following tonight:


- Saxon 77
- Problem o' the Week
- Science practice book pages 94 & 95


- Saxon 77
- Problem o' the Week
- Science practice book pages 36 & 37

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Short, Wet Week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We've got quite a few kids out already this week, and I am not sure if folks are ill or simply taking a few extra days off to explore the world. Still, an influenza notice is being sent home with the kids today in their Monday Folders.
The Monday Folder also has a Scholastic catalog for the month of February. Please feel free to take advantage of the on-line ordering option. The link is in the lower right corner of this page.
This week brings the close of the Pennies for Patients campaign to raise awareness and funding for Leukemia and Lymphoma. All spare change is appreciated. This week also brings the opportunity to pre-order yearbooks to a close. Orders should be submitted no later than Friday to secure the early-bird pricing.
Classwork continues to move ahead at a brisk pace, and there remains only two weeks in this grading period. I won't be cramming too much in during these final weeks of the second semester, so no worries there. Should be business as usual.

Tonight, the kids (4th and 5th) are responsible for the following:

- Saxon 76
- Nature Log reflection due tomorrow
- Monday Folders

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had an interesting day, as we were able to stream the BBC live coverage of the events in Egypt. We've been following the events there for the past two weeks, but this was the first time we were able to see Tahrir Square and the protesters live.
Tomorrow's Valentines festivities are shaping up quite nicely. The fifth grade will be in the MPR from 8-9 enjoying each others company, as well as some yummy grub. The fourth grade will be celebrating in the classroom. Students bringing Valentines for the their friends and classmates will be able to exchange them at the end of the day.
Both grades will have a vocabulary and math quiz tomorrow.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

Fourth -

- Saxon 75
- start Nature Log reflection piece
- Great Horn Spoon vocabulary
- continue with Lit Circle job for next Tuesday

Fifth -

- Saxon 75
- start Nature Log reflection piece
- Atom vocabulary
- continue with Lit Circle job for next Tuesday

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Well, it looks like the second round of the flu season is hitting Rio pretty hard. There are numerous students out in each of the classrooms with high fevers and stomach issues. I'll be sending home a notification with the kids tomorrow, but wanted to get the word out ASAP.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

Fourth -

- Saxon 74
- Nature Log observation
- Horn Spoon vocabulary

Fifth -

- Saxon 74
- Nature Log observation
- atom / periodic vocabulary
- $5 for Valentine Breakfast

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Excitement Abounds!

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. When it comes to a few things in life, things like science, music and literature, I am happy describe myself as a big geek. I am the one who will attend lectures at the Seymour Center when they discuss algae blooms. I am the one who will attend the little concerts put on my bands that no one has heard of. On occasion, I have even been known to pay to hear authors discuss their works, although I would much prefer they do that for free. With these in mind, I am very happy to inform everyone that Bookshop Santa Cruz has established a once-monthly young adults literature group. The meetings will take place on the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Sadly, I'm a bit late with this months meeting, as it takes place tomorrow night. On the plus side, many of the kids in class have already read the discussion book, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I would whole-heartedly encourage those able to attend to do so, as community involvement is what drives the success of programs such as this. If you are not able to attend this month's event, next month's title is When You Reach Me, an amazing story that won the Newberry Award last year. Unfortunately I have a conflict of scheduling and cannot make this month's Hunger Games discussion, but would be happy to offer students who attend extra credit for writing up a reflection on their experiences at Bookshop.

The kids are responsible for the following work tonight:


- Saxon 73
- continue with Great Horn Spoon vocabulary
- Literature Circle job completed for Wednesday's meeting
- Problem o' the Week


- Saxon 73
- continue with science vocabulary
- Literature Circle job completed for Wednesday's meeting
- Problem o' the Week

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday and beyond

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I've a slough of notes for you, so here we go:

1.) The fifth grade Valentine Breakfast is taking place this Friday at 8am. Fifth grade students are asked to submit $5 per child to cover the cost of food, etc. no later than Thursday of this week so that preparations can be made for the festivities.

2.) I've sent the students home with a list of their classmates for those interested in bring Valentines on Friday. (Monday is holiday, so we are celebrating this week.)

3.) Please continue to submit yearbook orders to take advantage of the early bird pricing.

4.) There are two vocabulary quizzes this week, both taking place on Friday, and one for each grade level.

5.) Literature Circle groups are meeting again Wednesday morning. Students are expected to arrive ready to participate.

Tonight, the students are responsible for the following:

4th grade-

- Saxon 72
- Monday Folder
- By the Great Horn Spoon vocabulary
- continue with Lit Circle job

5th grade-

- Saxon 72
- Monday Folder
- atom and periodic table vocabulary
- continue with Lit Circle job
- $5 for Valentine Breakfast

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The kids are responsible for the following tomorrow, and assignments for each grade are the same.

- Saxon 71
- Literature Circle job completed and ready for Friday's group meeting
- last day for BFG packet submissions

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Saxon 13A
- Literature Circle jobs for Friday morning's meeting (each grade is working with chapters 1 - 3 of their respective book titles. Completed jobs are to be present in class Friday morning.)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had a rousing wrap up to our reading of Roald Dahl's The BFG today. The kids enjoyed the story greatly, and we accomplished a great deal of language / literature study around the novel. The kids have been working diligently to complete the packet of materials that work in conjunction with the book, but a few of them still have a few chapters of content to complete. So while a good third of the class was able to submit their packets today, the balance of the students have until Friday to submit their work. I will be expecting fully completed work on Friday and have told the kids as much. There will not be an opportunity for make up work with this literature study, as we are delving into the next two books on Wednesday.
The fourth grade will begin their study of the Gold Rush with By the Great Horn Spoon! and the fifth grade will begin their study of the Revolutionary War with My Brother Sam is Dead.
***The content of My Brother Sam is Dead is controversial, especially in its use of language to describe ethnic groups. I spoke with the fifth graders today regarding the language content and its usage in society. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to drop me a line.***

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:


- Saxon 70
- BFG packets
- Nature Log due tomorrow


- Saxon 70
- BFG packets
- Nature Log due tomorrow
- Elements & Compound vocabulary

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant