Friday, September 21, 2007

the differences we make

I am true believer of the idea that an individual is capable of creating positive change. That change can be in one's self, a community or the world. The point is that we can do what we put our minds to.
The class had the pleasure of attending an informative slide-show led by Mrs. Debakker on Thursday where she introduced several classes to the Pennies for Peace Project. The project is amazing and has helped to establish over 50 schools in the countries of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The schools are especially important to young women in these countries in that they are asked to attend schools where they had been previously prohibited to attend. Only young men were permitted to attend schools in these countries up until just a few years ago. The man behind the project, Greg Mortenson, has written a book recounting his work entitled THREE CUPS OF TEA. I will be reading excerpts from this book over the next few weeks in class.
The class has asked to participate in Mrs. Debakker's endeavor of raising funds to help aide this project. Through December 1st of this year, we will be collecting loose change for the Pennies for Peace project.
I know that as families we are nickeled and dimed during the course of school year to raise funds for our school and community. However, I feel, as many of you do as well, that our efforts can be directed beyond our immediate community. If you'd be interested in learning more about the project, I would encourage you to visit

Thanks for your time, Mr. B

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday and Friday

Howdy all. Just a few notes for today. One, I am postponing the vocabulary quiz until next Friday. According to the class, there are too many words to study for one week (and I am inlcined to agree). Therefore, the words will be due and quizzed on next Thursday. We were able to complete our preliminary ocean animal rough drafts today. The kids will we formulating actual rough drafts on Friday. Friday also brings us a visit from Mas Hashimoto, a WWII veteran who will recount his experiences in Japanese internment camp. He is actually speaking to Mr. Sweet class, and we will be visitors. Friday will also bring us a cumulative language exam based on the materials we have covered in the past four weeks.

Students are responsible for the following work tonight:

-math 23 (1-10 & a-f)
-reading practice book pages 65 & 67
-reading log

respectfully, Mr. B

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday and Thursday

Howdy all. Well we seemed to have hit our mid-week stride and things are going great. We spent the majority of our morning writing simple introductions to our ocean animal reports, and the kids were able to begin organizing their body paragraphs. Math and language followed in the late morning. We began our exploration of fractions today, so there was much head scratching during math. We will dive in deeper tomorrow.

Students are responsible for the following work tonight:

-Reading Log (due Friday)
-continue with California vocabulary
-math lesson 22 (1-15)
-Reading practice book pages 54 & 63 (both started in class)

-Students need to remember to bring library books that were checked out last week to school Thursday. We have a dedicated library time of 9:30 - 10 each Thursday.

Respectfully, Mr. B

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday's down, three to go!

Howdy all! Tuesday brought us to our first peek at a piece of fiction from Laura Ingels Wilder. The story is about the westward movement and will serve as an introduction to a social studies unit down the road. We also spent some time on the computers going over Accelerated Reader quizzes. Every student was able to complete their "Island of the Blue Dolphins" quiz, and several were able to complete their "Matilda" quizzes. Each student will have the opportunity to complete their second quiz this week.
We also spent time reviewing perimeters and Venn diagrams.
Students are responsible for the following tonight:
-Reading Logs
-Reading practice book page 53 & 54 (started in class)
-Math lesson 21 (1-12)
-continue to study for Friday's vocabulary quiz

Pictures went swell. Respectfully, Mr. B

Monday, September 17, 2007

Hola mi amigos

Howdy all. Much to share, so I'll get right to it. First, we started with Spanish lessons today. Students will be visited by Senora Murray for the next 10 weeks going over a variety of material in Spanish. The sessions are fun and lively.
We completed the body paragraphs for our ocean animal reports today and will spend the next three days working with the introduction and conclusion prior to sending drafts home next week for their final writing. We will begin our slide show presentations Tuesday while we have access to the laptops. Students will also have their first 4th grade run with Accelerated Reader on Tuesday as students quiz on "Island of the Blue Dolphins" and "Matilda".
The upper grade staff met as a unit last week to discuss the matter of cursive writing in the upper grades. As many of you know, students are taught cursive writing in third grade. It is not a standard beyond third grade, however many upper grade teachers still require students to submit work in cursive. In this age of technology, it is my humble opinion that cursive is quickly becoming archaeic. My opinion is obviously not shared by all, and I was not with the majority as the staff voted on its use. As a result, from this point onward in the school year, all spelling and vocabulary work will be written in cursive. The students were horrified with this announcement today, and I apologize for the stress that it will undoubtedly cause. It is the belief of the staff that even this small exposure to cursive each week will aide in and improve student writing. (Sorry for the tirade!)

Tuesday is picture day. We are going to the studio / cafeteria at 9:25!

Students are responsible for the following work tonight:

-Reading Log (due Friday)
-Math Investigation 2 (11-20)
-California vocabulary (in cursive...quizzed on and due this Friday)
-California Reflections page 15

Respectfully, Mr. B