Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday and Friday

Howdy all. We are continuing to explore California history at the turn of the 20th century this week. We are looking at the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge and how the Depression and Dust Bowl affected the economy. Grim stuff, but interesting nonetheless.
Friday brings us the wrap up of literature unit five. We'll be working on the Theme 5 assessment tomorrow, and wrapping up spring fluency work next week.
Friday also brings us deeper into the world of rocks and minerals. We've been attempting to grow crystals, but the process is a slow one. Hopefully we get enough grown by the end of the school year so that each child will have their own pet crystal.
We'll be enjoying a picnic lunch on Cow Hill tomorrow. If at all possible, kids should bring a bag lunch.

Folks are responsible for the following tonight:

-Reading Log (due next Friday, not tomorrow)
-Math lesson 104 (all)
-continue with science and WWII reports
-Number the Stars study packet due in class tomorrow

Respectfully, Mr. B

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Howdy all, kids are responsible for the following tonight:

-Reading Log
-Math 103 (all)
-continue with science and WWII reports
-bring library books back to school Thursday morning

Respectfully, Mr. B

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Howdy all. We had a very nice today. We were able to review the process of mineral formation (heat, pressure and time), as well as discuss the manner in which minerals achieve their color. Pretty groovy stuff.
We were also able to get into early California politics and how Hiram Johnson promoted a transparent government in which the people were active participants in the decision making processes. Where did those days go? Can we get them back?
Math was an interesting assortment of decimals and fractions. Our first few pages of Farewell to Manzanar brought about a lively discussion regarding discrimination.

The class will be having a picnic on Friday up on Cow Hill behind the school. All students are encouraged to bring a sack lunch, if possible.

Students are responsible for the following tonight:

-Reading Log
-Math 102 (all)
-continue with science and WWII projects

Respectfully, Mr. B

Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday and the week

Howdy all, and welcome to the seventh to last week of school. Yes, we're counting down the days at this point.

Green Folders are making their way home today. You'll notice that the work that is coming home is decreasing in quantity. It has to do with the fact that we are working on larger, on-going units at this point in the year that I do not collect until we complete. Therefore, there will be weeks where you get a surplus of returned work, and others, such as this week's and last's, that are light. I would still encourage folks to review the returned material on a weekly basis, as I will not be sending home progress reports this trimester.

Today brought us our first look and experiment with the rocks and minerals unit. Tne unit will run about three weeks before we get into waves, wind, and water as factors of weathering and erosion.

Tomorrow brings us to the final book of the year that we'll study as a class. The book, Farewell to Manzanar, was written by local author Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, explores the struggles of a Japanese-American family during WWII.

The students are responsible for the following tonight:

-Green Folders
-Reading Log
-Math 101 (all)
-continue with science and WWII projects

Respectfully, Mr. B