Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you each a peaceful and happy Turkey Day. I'm not sending homework out this week, nor am I sending home Monday Folders. We'll get back to our normal schedule and routine next week.
The kids are very excited for tomorrow's potluck, and I am looking forward to spending time with the kids outside of an academic setting. We push through so much content and curriculum during the course of the school year, that it will be nice to socialize as people grateful for the company of each other. Plus, I am hearing that the menu is delicious!
I am sending home some extra credit opportunities for the kids, should they choose to dig a bit deeper with our social studies curriculum in the next week and a half.
I'm updating testing dates and assignments listed on the right column of the blog, so please be aware of upcoming deadlines, etc.
Gooble gooble,
Mr. Bryant