Howdy all and welcome to yet another groovy school year here at Rio del Mar. School is back in session on Wednesday, August 15th. It is NOT a restructured day, so students will be in class from 7:49 - 2:05. I took advantage of an amazing sale at Staples during the early weeks of July and was able to get the following supplies for each student:
a pencil box, 12 pencils, a manual pencil sharpener, a glue stick, crayons, a composition book and a gummy eraser.
Each student will still need to provide the following for themeselves:
lined paper, a three ring binder (1" size will do just fine), dry erase markers (low odor please), a sock (for erasing dry-erase boards), a box of Kleenex (beacuse the class goes through them like water in the desert) and an emergency lunch. It would be extremely helpful if students each had a Nalgene bottle to keep at their desk for water. Not only does it help keep traffic back and forth to the sink to a minimum, but also helps considerably with the amount of waste and recycling produced in the classroom from the use of standard Crystal Geyer-styled water bottles.
Back-to-School Night is scheduled for Thursday, August 30th. Due to a previous commitment, I will be unable to attend. Instead, I will be facilitating a very exclusive Back-to-School Night on Wednesday the 29th @ 6:30. This will hopefully make it easier for parents with more than one student at RDM, not to mention making parking a breeze.
I look forward to a fun and exciting school year.
Respectfully, Mr. B