Thursday, March 7, 2013


Hello all, and thanks for checking in.  Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow's spirit day is themed "Famous People".  Tomorrow brings us three assessments; we will have spelling, a Gold Rush and math quiz.  Busy day!

The kids are responsible for the following today:

- spelling 88 (packet due tomorrow)
- math 21 review, page 482, problems 1-15

Respectfully, Mr. B

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Howdy all, and thank you for checking in.  We had a rousing morning, as the power cut out on campus about ten minutes before school started!  The kids were so excited.  Thankfully, and much to the disappointment of the class, it came back on about a quarter after 8 and the day was returned to normal.

Last call for this trimester's AR efforts!  I will be closing out this second trimester tomorrow and tabulating AR efforts at that point.

The kids are responsible for the following today:

- spelling 87
- math 21.5, page 479, problems 1-6 (most of the class was able to finish this)

Respectfully, Mr. B

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Hello all, and thank you for checking in.  Tuesday's seem to be our roughest day at school each week, and today was no exception.  The kids worked most of the morning, begrudgingly,  on their State Writing Exams.  Their efforts will not be reflected on their respective report cards, but will made available to families in the summer (along with the results of this May's Language and Math Exams).

Friendly reminders were issued to handful of students this afternoon who have yet to submit their biome study guides or their By the Great Horn Spoon! packets to have them turned in by Wednesday afternoon for credit.  We will be sorting through our No Name Papers Basket Wednesday with the hopes that the kids claim any stray efforts before I begin report cards on Thursday afternoon.

Today, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Spelling 86
- Math 21.4, p. 477, problems 1-15
- Continue with Saturday Night Activities.

Respectfully, Mr.  B

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday and Changes

Hello, and thank you for checking in.  As this is the final week of the second trimester, we will be making some procedural changes moving forward.  One of my goals for the fourth graders I have the pleasure of working with is to have the kids take a greater measure of responsibility for their efforts and actions.  As such, I will no longer be offering a weekly homework log for the kids.  Many of them have become lazy with maintaining their planners, and one went so far as to say, "Why should I write in my planner with you give us a list of assignments?"  Ugh, not what I wanted to hear.  I will be reviewing expectations with the kids and promoting their effective use of planners.  If they fail to bring their planners home to work with, they can take the initiative to check this blog.  It will continue to be updated Monday through Thursday.

Thursday is the last day I will be accepting make up work or assignments from the kids.

We are wrapping up our Gold Rush studies and game this week.  The kids will be assessed on their knowledge of the time with a quiz on Friday.  We are not making a study guide, nor will I be sending one home with the kids.  Their efforts with the classroom game should more than prepare them for the quiz.

Third trimester AR goals will go home in next Monday's Red Folder.  Report cards will be made available a week from Thursday.

We have a field trip to Elkhorn Slough tentatively scheduled for Friday, April 19th.  I will keep everyone in the loop as I get more information from the reserve.

Today, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 21.3, pp 473 - 474, problems 4-15
- spelling 85 (packet due Friday)
- Red Folder
- Keep working on your Saturday Night Activity for Friday.

Respectfully, Mr. B