is taking a dark turn with the proposed budget cuts for the upcoming 2008-2009 school year. Serious changes are in store that will negatively affect your child's education. I encourage folks to attend the Feb. 27th Board Meeting to voice their concerns and show a united front as a concerned community. Just because we are Rio does not mean that we will be immune to what is happening to PVUSD as a whole. Teachers will be relocated, class sizes will increase and much-needed asistance programs will be cut. For example, not one elementary school will have a nurse next year. Bizarre, but expendable according to PVUSD.
This is also a contract negotiation year for teachers. As many of you know, we are one of the lowest paid districts in the state, and the cuts on the table have all but ruled out a simple cost-of-living salary increase. Again, expendable according to PVUSD. Teachers number 1,200 in the district, but serve 30,000 students and their families. The families are our bargaining chip, and we need your voices and actions to help us secure a living wage. We don't want to be priced out of the area, but it is happening. We lost two examplary teachers last year to other districts, and several more have made it clear that this will be their last year at Rio for similar reasons.
On a happier note, tomorrow is Valentine's Day and the class will be celebrating during the last half hour of the day. Treats and valentines may gladly make their way to school, as long as they are considering the whole class, and not just a few select friends. Tomorrow is also a spirit day, and students are encouraged to wear Valentine's colors. Reds, pinks, purples and whites.
Students are responsible for the following tonight:
-Reading Log
-Science text page 216 and science WB pp 86-87
-Sadako, read chapter 9 and complete vocabulary (all) and questions 1-5
Respectfully, Mr. B