Thursday, February 7, 2008

bustin' out & STREP!!

I have been informed by the school nurse that the class has been exposed to STREP. Invidual notices will be sent home on Friday. Stay healthy!

We have gone through two writing samples in these few weeks back from winter break, one regarding dreams in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and the other with descriptions of a favorite place. The kids have been troopers with this work, and I am happy to report that they are coming along quite well. The favorite place pieces will be going home in next week's Green Folders, and we are creating a classroom anthology for the dream pieces that will be bound and include student art work as well. These will be finished in the next two weeks, so expect them soon.

Tomorrow brings a substantial science test for the class, as we have wrapped our studies of food webs & chains. If last week's science vocabulary was any indictation, tomorrow's test will be a breeze.

Please be mindful of next Monday's holiday. No school!!!

Kids are responsible for the following tonight:

-Reading Log (due tomorrow)
-Math 73 (all)
-a quick review of the science material would be helpful.

Respectfully, Mr. B

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Howdy all,
I'm keeping this short, just like the day. Kids are responsible for the following tonight:

-Reading Log (due Friday)
-Math lesson 72 (all)
-library books

Respectfully, Mr. B

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

a beautiful day

was had by all in San Juan Bautista today. The weather was on our side and the kids were in excellent spirits. Thanks again to each of the parents who took their time and energy to accompany us. The kids and I definitely appreciate your being there for us. I will try to get a few images from the day posted to here within a day or two.

The majority of the class does not have homework beyond their reading log tonight. Several students ( Haley, Noah, Sean, Alyssa, Chris, Riley, Kolby, Emily F., Leah and Miles each have their final drafts of "A Favorite Place" essays to complete for class tomorrow. It would be great night to study for Friday's science exam!

Go vote,
Mr. B

Monday, February 4, 2008

The kids predict that......

Obama will take the California primary with 2/3 of the Democratic vote tomorrow. A very interesting debate ended our day, and these kids are passionate! Very exciting times!

Tuesday will be an exciting day with our trip to the mission. We'll be leaving school @ 8:30 and returning around 1:30. Please bring a sack lunch and a warm jacket. The kids were warned not to bring i-pods or handheld games for the ride. They are welcome to bring cameras.

The Green Folder contains the annual Parent Survey and a consent form for a documentary that I would like to show in conjunction with our "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes" studies. Please return both forms to school in a timely manner.

The students are responsible for the following tonight:

-Reading Log (due Friday)
-"Sadako" chapter 2 work
-Math lesson 71 (1-25)
-Science workbook pages 78-79 (quiz on Friday)

Sorry to bulk up on work tonight, I will go easier on Tuesday after the field trip.

Respectfully, Mr. B