Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had a very pleasant day, and the kids were charming. We were able to wrap up our literature study of the Witches by Roald Dahl, and the kids have until next Wednesday to complete and turn in their study packets.

We also reviewed the finer points of nature logs. The kids will be working on an observation of their choosing this afternoon / evening.

Thursday is the last day of this school week so that we may observe Veteran's Day on Friday. With that, I'd like to wish you each a peaceful three-day weekend. I will be on campus tomorrow, but only in the classroom until recess. The new report cards are taking some time to get used to, so I will be in the computer lab most of day in an effort to complete them.

Report cards go home on Monday, and will include a detailed print out of assignments and Accelerated Reader efforts for the first trimester. New AR goals will also be included with the report card, but goals are already available on-line.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 10.3, page 221, problems 1-25
- a nature log entry of the student's choosing (must not be man made or a pet)
- work with Witches packet as necessary
- complete Mrs. Mitchener's math problem of the week (if necessary)
- continue studying spelling words for tomorrow's quiz

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Oh, my friends. It would appear that we are now on our third round of lice exposures. I am at a loss as to how best approach the issue, as we keep a clean classroom. Lice cannot survive more than a day without a human host, so the classroom is not a breeding ground. I would ask that all jackets be washed immediately and that hats stay out of the classroom for the coming two weeks. These are only precautionary steps, mind you.

Class went smoothly today in my absence. The kids were able to complete a great deal of their homework prior to the final bell, so tonight's assignments may already be done! If not, they are as follows:

- math 10.2, pages 217 - 218, problems 1-25
- "Let's Write" from the back of California Studies Weekly

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, and the short week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We have a very busy and short week ahead of us. I will be on campus Tuesday working on math curriculum, but will not be in the classroom. I am also looking at taking Thursday to work on report cards, but have yet to secure a sub. I'll keep you all apprised as I learn more.

We are continuing our exploration of magnetism and electricity, are engaging with research on the California Missions and nearing the end of our literature unit on Roald Dahl's The Witches.

Thanks to those of you who made it to the mission on Friday. It was an enjoyable, low-key day. The kids were able to take part in a scavenger hunt that took to them through the nooks and crannies of the mission's history.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Monday Folder
- RPB pp 121 - 122
- math 10.1

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant