Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Happiness

I wish you each a happy and safe Halloween Holiday. The kids were beside themselves with joy today, and I would like to extend a warm thanks to all of the parents who contributed their time and energy in creating such a great time.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The excitement for Halloween is building, and the kids were a bit beside themselves today in anticipation for tomorrow. The parade is scheduled for 8:15 on the upper playground, provided that it does not rain. We have a back-up plan that will keep everyone dry should rain be the case. Our classroom spookfest will occur during the timeframe of recess to lunch (10:25 - 12:20), and all are welcome to swing by for a scare.

Everyone is responsible for the following tonight:

- Saxon 37 (fourth grade)
- Saxon 38 (fifth grade)
- Book reports due tomorrow

Scarily, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday & Thursday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Thanks for the feedback from the 5th grade families regarding the Body Works Vital exhibit. I was able to schedule the trip today for Thursday, November 18th, the same day the 4th grade is visiting Mission San Juan Bautista. I'll send slips home on Monday.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Saxon 36
- continue with book report and literature circle work
- bring Native Californians study guide to school tomorrow, as their exam is tomorrow

- Saxon 36
- continue with book report and literature circle work

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday & Wednesday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The room was atwitter today with a mysterious shopping bag from Baskin-Robbins! The kids were anticipating a cake, so imagine their disgust and surprise when I opened the package and they found three hearts! Yes, we observed two cow hearts and one pig heart. Despite the initial trepidation of several kids, most had their safely gloved fingers exploring the ventricles and aortas. Really quite a unique experience.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

4th grade:
- Saxon 6A
- Be ready for tomorrow's literature circle roles
- Nature log due tomorrow (if not already turned in)
- continue studying for Thursday's Native Californian exam
- Book report sue Friday

5th grade:
-Saxon 6A
- Be ready for tomorrow's literature circle roles
- Nature log due tomorrow (if not already turned in)
- Book report due Friday

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, October 25, 2010

Non-stop due dates and the stress that will undoubtedly accompany them, followed by a party.

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. In looking at the calendar as we wind down this grading period, I must confess that the kids are inundated with due dates and assessments. My apologies, but the kids have had knowledge of them all for some time now. Hopefully we make it through the next week unscathed. Please reference the project and exam schedule on the right, as it will outline materials due and when.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

4th grade:

- Saxon 35 (all)
- Monday Folders
- Literature Circles (due Wednesday)
- RPB 102 & 103

5th grade:

- Saxon 35 (all)
- Monday Folders
- Literature Circles (due Wednesday)
- RPB 85

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant