Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had a very fun day, as the kids shared their work from the Enrichment Menus that we have been toying with for these past few weeks. We say some very interesting plays, heard some beautiful poetry and learned a great deal about optical illusions. I am quite proud of what the kids accomplished.

Tomorrow is upon us, and the kids and I are very excited to celebrate our successes of the year together. We will be having our potluck feast between 10:20 and noon. All are welcome to come by and partake in the fun.

Tomorrow is also a spirit day, and the theme is the 1960's. Peace Power will surely prevail.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Saxon math 31, pages 138-140, problems 1-20
- Reading Practice book pages 193 & 194
- Reading Log entry

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. The week is moving by quickly, and the kids are immersed in wrapping up their projects prior to our much need and well deserved break.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- reading log
- nature log
- Saxon math lesson 28, pages 121-123, problems 1-20
- continue preparing for tomorrow's social studies exam

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, December 14, 2009


Howdy all, and welcome to the week of heck. The kids are insanely psyched for the Winter Break, and are already showing their colors! It should be a fun week. The Blue Folders are full of information, so I will attempt to shed some light on their content here:

1. There are three extra credit opportunities for the Winter Break. Kids can do as many of them as they like. None are required to be done, but I will strictly enforce their due dates.

2. The Coastal Commission art & poetry contest needs to be returned to me no later than Friday of this week for kids who want to enter their work.

3. The Reading Log is for the Winter Break, and is due on Friday, January 15, 2010. Please note that it is double-sided.

4. The permission slip for San Juan Bautista can be returned as soon as possible. The trip is not until January. If you'd like to come along as a driver / chaperone, please email me. The cost of this trip is $1, but I'll be combining its cost with the Ano Nuevo elephant seal trip and collecting $5 from each student at that time.

For tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Blue Folder
- Reading Log
- Saxon math, lesson 27, pages 117 - 118, problems 1-20
- Reading Practice book pages 197 & 198
- no spelling this week, but would definitely encourage kids to study for Wednesday's Social Studies quiz on explorers and missions

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant