Friday, November 2, 2012

The week's work...

It is my sincere hope that the week's assignments being posted on Monday help everyone manage their time better.  The kids will still be keeping a planner, and we will continue to review them in class daily.
If the image above appears too small, click on it to open it in a large window.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Awesome multiplication help for double digits!!

Trenten found this video and it is amazing.  The narrator can be hard to follow, but the visuals are a definite help.

Good luck.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Trying something new

The kids will be receiving a copy of the weekly homework page in their Red Folders today as well.

The week is looking fairly mellow.  The Halloween Parade will begin at 8:15 on Wednesday for all of those who'd like to attend.  The classroom party will be from roughly 9 to 10.  Thanks to those who have helped organize and prepare for what I am sure will be a memorable day.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant