Monday, May 23, 2011

The Week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We've got a lot going on these last few days of school, so I will do my best to keep folks apprised of our goings on.
First, the kids' artist reports are due on Wednesday. Please remember that all materials for the report will need to be here on Wednesday, but we will be working with a lottery system to see who shares on Wednesday and Thursday, with the remainder of the kids sharing on Friday.
Secondly, Friday is the final day to turn in any assignments that may be missing or incomplete.
Third, both the KOA and Boardwalk days next Thursday have been set, and all permission slips / funds have been collected. The fourth grade classrooms each have an additional obligation for the KOA day, and our classroom has been assigned the task of bringing desserts for the after pizza experience.
Fourth, we will begin working on our class mural this week. We'll be using paints that do not wash out of clothing, so I again ask that the kids not wear clothing that they are bent of keeping pristine (cuz it ain't gonna happen). We should be finishing up our acrylic portraits this week as well.
Fifth, I am not sending home folders now until the last day of school. They'll include final works and report cards.
Sixth, I am sending our Cindy Sherman framed art and Chuck Close portraits home with the kids today.
Seventh, I am sure that I am leaving something out.

Have a great afternoon, Mr. Bryant

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