Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I want to remind folks that I will be out on Friday with the district Math Department. Mrs. Abelar will be in my place. As I will not be here on that date, I will instead be distributing report cards on Thursday afternoon as the kids leave for the day.
I would like to take a moment to prepare folks as to what they should expect. Firstly, the second trimester is often a difficult one, especially with the lengthy winter break. The work load increases, and the kids need to stay abreast of numerous projects as they juggle their schedule. As such, grades during the second trimester are generally, but not always, less stellar than the first trimester. I look at the year as a roller coaster; we amp up as the year begins. We establish routines, norms and expectations. As the second trimester begins, we are in that freefall after the coaster reaches its initial climb. The kids just hang on and hope to make it through the twists, turns and loops. There are lots of them, and they can be scary and frustrating! The third trimester is the reward; they have made it through with varying degrees of success. Some are terrified to get back on the ride, but others are thrilled to get back into that seat as soon as possible. These last 12 weeks of school will fly by, but during that time that kids will appreciate the ride (if they don't already). The third report card generally reflects their best efforts.
This report card will give everyone the opportunity to reflect on their successes and areas for improvement. The comments I include are honest and never sugar-coated, but extremely mindful of the age group they are reaching. My expectations are high, both academically and personally, and the kids know this. Please take time on Thursday evening to sit with your child and review their report cards. Please applaud their successes, but be fair in discussing how they might improve themselves as we prepare to buckle in for the last part of the ride.
Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:
- math 18.3
- nature log entry
- reading practice book pages 312 & 313
- reading log
Respectfully, Mr. Bryant