Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, Beyond & Hot Chocolate

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We are so very close to freedom, and the air is alive with the promise of sleep and sunshine. Please enjoy your Spring Break. There is not specific homework tonight, but the fourth grade has selected their respective topics for their California Reports and the fifth grade has their Heritage Reports. The due date will sneak up on us quickly, so it is my sincere hope that the kids get a head start on their research. The fourth grade was given the handout for the visual aide that will accompany their written report today.

Finally, state testing will begin on the Tuesday we return and continue through that week. I make hot cocoa for the kids to celebrate the end of their testing each day, but I would ask that kids bring in a ceramic mug so that I am not buying and throwing away insulated cups each day.

Enjoy, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We're off to a great start with the kids' science projects. We'll be sharing the remainder of their work tomorrow and Thursday.

I'm going easy on the homework for the remainder of the week in the hopes that the kids get a head start on their next project (heritage or California report).

Both grades are responsible for Saxon 116 tonight, however I'd suggest that the fourth grade review their science for tomorrow's exam.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, April 18, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Please check over the Monday Folders, as I have assigned the kids next writing project. The fourth grade will be working on their California Reports over the next three weeks and the fifth grade will be working on their Heritage Reports during the same time frame.
The kids have their Science Projects due tomorrow, so hopefully they are near wrapping up their efforts. With that in mind, each grade has only Saxon 115 to work with this evening.

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant