Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thursday and stuff

Students are responsible for the following work tonight:

-Reading Log (due next Friday)
-Math 108, 1 -14
-California workbook page 59
-Number the Stars vocabulary due tomorrow (assigned Monday)

Friday brings us a quick science exam on weathering and erosion, as well as a vocabulary quiz.

I neglected to mention that the WWII reports will be due on Monday, May 21st. Students will be assigned presentation schedules the week prior to the May 21st due date.

Respectfully, Mr. B

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Hello all. The students are responsible for the following work tonight:

-Reading Log
-Math lesson 108, 15-30

Red Folders finally made it home today. Please be on the lookout for them as they contain the following:
-Progress Reports
-WW II Report outlines and expectations
-Parent Surveys
-Book order forms (due Friday the 27th at the latest, if interested)

Respectfully, Mr. B

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Howdy all. Students are responsible for the following work tonight:

-Reading Log
-Math 107, a - n(started in class)
-Number the Stars packet page 25
-Science packet pages wb78-wb-79 (started in class)

We finished our classroom reading of Number the Stars by Lois Lowry today, but will continue to work with the content for another week before starting Sadako and a Thousand Paper Cranes. Students will be quizzed on chapter content on Wednesday.

Wednesday also brings us a quiz for the first few chapters of The Prophet of Yonwood. Friday will bring us a vocabulary quiz for Number the Stars, as well as a quiz on science textbook pages b4 - b11, weathering and erosion.

Red Folders and progress reports will be sent home tomorrow, Wednesday the 18th. The folders also contain outlines and expectations for student WWII reports. Students will need to select a topic for research no later than this Friday.

Respectfully, Mr. B

Monday, April 16, 2007

Welcome back

Homework tonight includes the following:
-Reading log
-Math 106, 15-30
-Number the Stars vocabulary, section 4 (quiz on Friday)

I do hope that everyone had a restful break. I am still looking for some time to pencil in additional naps, but will need to make due with what I got.

We had a very nice first day back. We were treated to the UCSC Shakespeare-To-Go production of "The Tempest", experimented with water as an erosive force and discussed the finer points of personal beliefs and convictions in conjunction with the literature we are currently reading.

I have a few progress reports to finish...remember, it was my break too... and didn't want to pass them out until I had them for everyone. Students will receive their mid-trimester progress reports no later than Wednesday of this week. I will send them home in Red Folders. Please take them with a grain of salt and realize that there are still seven weeks of school in which to turn things around.

Students can also expect to be briefed on expectations for their WWII reports on Tuesday, with the packets also heading home in Red Folders.

Respectfully, Mr. B