Thursday, April 5, 2007

spring break apology

Howdy all. I am just writing to wish each and every one of you a restful and happy spring break. The kids were more than wired to leave this afternoon!

We watched a portion of a WWII National Geographic documentary this afternoon. While I had previewed the documentary yesterday, I apparently heard the word "shoot" by a veteran explaining the attack in Hawaii, while he in fact said something else. While the kids were nonplussed and actually laughed about it, I am offering my apologies for not paying closer attention to the content.

Again, have an enjoyable break, Mr. B

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Just to get everyone psyched about the upcoming break even further, I have just received notice that our classroom was exposed to pink eye today. It is communicable, so keep an eye (no pun intended) on your kids!

Keepin' healthy, Mr. B


Oh man, just one more day until FREEDOM!!! I know that everyone is beside themselves with joy at the prospect of sleeping in, staying up late and enjoying life without the worry of school the following morning. The kids are restless and excited. Yet here, we are...the eve of three substantial quizzes. I have foregone assigning homework tonight in the hopes that kids would take the time to study for tomorrow's "Number the Stars" and Rocks & Minerals tests. (I hate putting book titles in quotes, but there is not a function to underline text on this blog. Me and my bad examples of correct grammar.)

Also, a few parents and students have requested that I assign extra credit opportunities for the spring break. As the break is just a week, and not like the month that we had for winter holiday, I will simply offer the students the chance to pad their reading and language grade by suggesting that a reading log accompany everuone home. I will give extra credit for any number of days that student reads and has their work signed off by a parent. It's only ten extra points, but they are still points that can make a difference between a 'C' and a 'B', or a 'B' and an 'A'.

Just as a side note...apparently there was some confusion last week as to the distributing of the reading log that I was to collect tomorrow. Our sub did not actually hand them out, but rather told the kids to pick them up on the way out. So while the work was implied, it was not explicitly assigned. Now while I would like to think that the kids would be responsible enough to pick up the work before leaving, we all know that that isn't going to necessarily happen. So, with that in mind, if kids did pick up the work and complete it, they can turn it in for credit tomorrow. If they did not pick one up, I will not count the work against them. So look at that...two extra credit opportunities right there.

Remember, I will be sending home progress reports and Accelerated Reader results for the trimester on Monday, April 16th.

Enjoy your break, Mr. B

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I am keeping homework light this week in preparation for the Spring Break. Students are responsible for the following work tonight:

-Reading Log (still collecting on Thursday)
-Math 102, a-j & 15 - 30

Thursday brings us our rocks & minerals exam. The exam will cover pages B34 - B53 in our science text. We will be experimenting with the streak property of minerals on Wednesday.

Thanks to those of you who quickly donated to the auction basket fund.

Respectfully, Mr. B

Monday, April 2, 2007

Monday and notes on the week

Students are responsible for the following work tonight:

-Reading Log (will be collected on Thursday)
-Math 101, 1-15
-Number the Stars vocabulary, section 3 (quiz on Thursday)

Red folders went home for the first time in three weeks today. Thanks everyone again for your patience with my recovery. Please pay attention to the notices that were included in the Red Folders today, especially from the Eatons and Scotts regarding the gift basket for the Golf Tounament and Auction in May. The papers you will have received today are current and reflect work up to this past Friday. California tests were miserable, which was really quite disappointing. I practically spoon-fed the answers to the kids on Thursday when we spent over an hour playing Jeopardy as a review. On a positive note, the Number the Stars quizzes were excellent. Even math scores were improved!

Thursday of this week will be heavy with assessments. We will be finishing up rocks and minerals on Wednesday and testing on Thursday. Students will also be quizzed on this week's chapters from Number the Stars, from the reading vocabulary and on the chapter 5 reading theme test. Please make sure that your children are at school on Thursday. Spring Break doesn't start until Friday folks. From these assessments I will be compiling progress reports over the Spring Break to send home the week we return to class.

If folks are feeling generous, the Discovery Channel store is taking pre-order for the Planet Earth dvd series. A little bird told me that the class would seriously dig having the set for reference, etc.

Respectfully, Mr. B