Thursday, November 4, 2010

Howdy all...

...and thanks for checking in. Keeping it simple today for a good many reasons. We'll wind down the end of the first grading period tomorrow with some historical model building, as the kids work collaboratively to create representations of early colonial settlements (5th grade) or missions / presidios (4th grade).

We had another emotional morning today, as the class was visited by grief counselors from County Metal Health. The kids were wonderful, and I am proud of their participation with the discussion. I neglected to send home information with the kids today from Mrs. Dorney regarding the services that were made available to the kids, but will do so on Friday.

The kids should be prepared with the following tomorrow:

- Literature Circle jobs
- section 3 vocabulary

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

thinking happy thoughts

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I'm posting late in the hopes that your children have already shared with you what I am going to write here. Last night one of our classmates lost his father in a motorcycle accident. We spent a great deal of our morning attempting to reconcile what has happened, and the kids wanted to share their experiences with loss and concentrate on sending positive thoughts to Rowan, his brother and mom in their time of grief. There are never the right words to express in moments like this, but the family knows we care a great deal for them. A few Rio parents are organizing a meal schedule so that we can help out where we can. We've organized for grief counselors to be on campus tomorrow, and they will be speaking with our class.

I also need to let everyone know that the classroom was exposed to Strep this past Friday. We have quite a few kids out this week with illness, so hopefully its not making the rounds.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

4th 5th

- Saxon 40 - Saxon 41
- continue with Lit Circles - continue with Lit Circles
- continue with vocabulary - continue with vocabulary

take care, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Being the responsible folks that you are, I am sure that there is no need to remind you to get out and vote today. However, if for some strange reason you haven't gotten out and exercised your right to contribute to our wacky Democracy please do. (On a side note, your children came to class extremely well versed on the marijuana initiative today.)

Tomorrow brings about a rather sizable science quiz for both grades. We'll be taking the quizzes after recess and up to lunch.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Saxon 39
- vocabulary due Friday ( Dolphin, section 3)
- study for science quiz
- prep for Friday's lit circle jobs

- Saxon 40
- vocabulary due Friday ( Beaver, section 3)
- study for science quiz
- prep for Friday's lit circle jobs

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday and the week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. This is the final week of the first grading period, and I am amazed at how quickly the time has passed. The kids have been informed that any missing or incomplete work must be turned in no later than Thursday, November 4.

The kids have a science quiz on Wednesday morning, and each grade level was supplied with a study guide last Monday from which to work with. Hopefully they have been brushing up on their materials.

Fifth grade students are each receiving a permission slip to the Body World's Vital exhibit in their Monday Folders today. Please return them in a timely manner. We'll also need a few chaperones / drivers. I will gladly pay the entrance fee to the exhibit for the adults (up to 5) who choose to help us out that day by driving.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:


- Saxon 38
- Monday Folders
- Reading Practice Book pages 120 - 122 (if they did not pass the spelling pretest)
- Island of the Blue Dolphin vocabulary, section three (due Friday)


- Saxon 39
- Monday Folders
- Reading Practice Book pages 104 - 105 (if they did not pass the spelling pretest)
- Sign of the Beaver vocabulary, section three (due Friday)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant