Howdy all. Just a friendly reminder that this week is entirely restructured, and that students will be dismissed at 12:05 (with the excpetion of Thursday's field trip). There is no Homework Club this week.
Conferences scheduled for Monday and Tuesday include:
12:40 Mikaela, 1:00 Tom, 1:20 Sean, 1:40 Noah, 2:00 Haley, 2:20 Miles, 2:40 Kolby
12:40 Alyssa, 1:00 Justin, 1:20 Christopher, 1:40 Jason, 2:00 Alicia, 2:20 Leah, 2:40 Maya & 3:00 Emily F.
Our field trip for this Thursday is sure to inconvenience many of you. It is my understanding that the Apple After School Program will also be on a field trip that day, and not will be returning to their site until 4:30. All families, whether they are bussed home or to Apple will need to arrange for transportation from Rio upon our return at 2. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.
The following parents have been kind enough to volunteer their time and energy on Thursday's aquarium trip:
GIna Guhin x5, Leinaala Waikiki x6, Susan Forsberg x6, Linda Rossi x6, Melinda Losik x 4, Susan Manabe x5, Erika Reid x6 and Jessica Jacobson (chaperone only). We have just enough drivers at the moment, so please notify me ASAP if your plans to accompany us have changed. Everyone will need to bring a bag lunch on Thursday. We will be leaving promptly at 8.
The kids are responsible for the following tonight:
-Reading Log (due Friday)
-Math lesson 35 (all)
-Cursive packet, letter A
-Bullying permission slip (please read purple note in Green Folder and return to class if necessary. The questionairre will be administered on Friday.)
Respectfully, Mr. B