Howdy all. The kids were sent home with information regarding tomorrow's showing of "The City of Ember". Everyone is excited, and the film is getting great reviews. I know that many of the kids have prior obligations, but I still hope to see as many of you there as can manage.
Conferences are upon us. The schedule is listed here on the blog, and again I would ask that each of the families adhere to their times out of respect for other families and myself. We all have schedules, and I know that many of you have been incredibly flexible with jobs, etc. I appreciate your commitment to your child's education and will share as much as possible in the brief amount of time we have been given with each other next week. I ENCOURAGE AND WANT THE KIDS TO ATTEND THEIR CONFERENCES!
Just a plug for the classroom and school here...next week also brings us the Book Faire. We'll be visiting during the course of the week, and I filled out a classroom "wish list" if any of you are so inclined to help out our classroom library :)
Respectfully, Mr. Bryant