Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday and Friday

Howdy all. What a great day. The kids were fantastic for our guests from the symphony, and were quite engaged with the presentation and music selections. I wished I had videotaped their movements to Grofe's "Grand Canyon Suite" ,with their heads bobbing up and down, looking like birds. A classic moment. Please remember that Monday brings us our trip to the symphony. All students will need bag lunches to school.

Our Golden Gulch Gold Rush simulation has the kids very excited about earning imaginary gold nuggets and proving their skills and knowledge of Caliofornia mining in the mid 1800's.

The students are responsible for the following tonight:

-Reading Log
-Math 80 (1-15, most student completed this in class)
-Math 15B pretest
-read Reflections pages 246 - 249 (welcome to use as a reading log entry)
-Abbreviation worksheet, page 49 (also started in class)

Respectfully, Mr. B

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Howdy all. Sorry about the lack of a blog entry yesterday. The site was down, and therefore I emailed the class their assignments and responsibilities. Hopefully it didn't cause too much confusion.

I sent home a notice with the kids today regarding this weekend's Parents' Workshop at Watsonville High. It's a great opportunity to help you help your children with academic and social issues. Please ask your child for the flyer.

Thursday brings us a visit from the Santa Cruz Symphony. They will be offering a preview of what next Monday's field trip will bring us. If your child has not returned their permission slip for Monday, they are due no later than Friday of this week! The kids know who they are! Thursday afternoon will allow the class the opportunity to view the 6th grade science fair. The activities are piling up!

The kids have some extra math work tonight based on the behavior of the class during our lesson. I wish them luck.

Students are responsible for the following:

-Reading Log
-California Reflections WB pages 62 -63 (started in class)
-California Reflections page 243, review questions 1-5
-Math lessons 78 + 79 (all)

Respectfully, Mr. B