Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thursday, Student Leadership & the Winter Party

Howdy all. Well the week is winding down, and I feel like we are just hitting our writing stride. Mission reports are moving along, and the kids are producing great work.

We announced the winners of the Student Leadership elections today, and I am happy to inform everyone that Alicia and Jason will be representing Room 13 for the year. Again, I wanted to compliment each child who took the initiative and effort to craft speeches.

The holiday is quickly approaching, and I am looking forward to a few nice weeks of rest and relaxation. Of course, there will be skiing and parties thrown in for good measure. Keeping in mind how over-the-top fantastic our Halloween festivities were, I am setting up an extremely mellow Winter Party. In an effort to honor the various denominations within the classroom, we will be hosting Winter Pot Luck and Game Day. I would ask that families provide a non-holiday themed dish that the class can share. We'll warm cider, play games, and watch the film version of "By the Great Horn Spoon!". I would encourage folks to start an email tree (hint, hint) to arrange foods and supplies, and we can take it from there.

The students are responsible for the following tonight:

-Cursive packet due tomorrow
-Reading Log due tomorrow
-"Spoon" packet page 18
-Math lesson 58 (10-28)
-California Reflections page 47

Respectfully, Mr. B

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Who knows...

where a fourth grade classroom discussion might go? The class constantly surprises me with their interpretations of what we study each day. I think that we would make a great debate team. We are continuing to hammer away with the mission writings, and are about one third of the way through the process. I realize that several of the students are falling behind in their writing. In an effort to catch them up, I will be sending home templates and research books on Friday to help them out.

We are traveling by school bus to the Junior High on the 19th to watch their annual drama production. The number of tickets we have is extremely limited, but have space for the first two parents who respond to this posting. Just sign up in the comment section so folks know who is first, second, etc.

Students are responsible for the following tonight:

-Reading Logs (due Friday)
-Math lesson 57 (all)
-Cursive packet, letter 'X'
-Library books are due Thursday as well.

Respectfully, Mr. B

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday's down, three to go!

Howdy all. Class was crazy interesting today. We spent a good deal of the morning writing our mission reports and working on fact finding. The math test went well, and we spent the afternoon discussing trailblazers to California. We also held our classroom leadership elections. A very admirable group of students wrote some truly honest and engaging speeches. I will announce the results of the election by Thursday.

Students are responsible for the following tonight:

-Reading Log
-Math lesson 56 (all)
-Cursive packet, letter 'W'
-California pages 190-194
-answer questions 1-5 on California page 194

Respectfully, Mr. B

Monday, December 3, 2007

Monday, Monday...

Howdy all. We are off to a rip-roaring week. Starting a new book, "By the Great Horn Spoon!", continuing with our studies of science, and cranking out those mission reports. We have much to complete prior to winter break.
The Green Folders are light on materials this week, as I only sent home notices and school business. There are no graded papers in this week's folder. All graded papers will be returned next week.

Classroom elections for Student Leadership will take place on Tuesday.

The kids are responisible for the following tonight:

-Math 10A
-Reading Log (due Friday)
-finish "Sea Routes", if necessary
-Cursive packet, letter 'V'
-Green Folders

Respectfully, Mr. B