Friday, December 19, 2008

Many thanks, and the Winter Break

Wow. A million and one thanks to all of the families that pulled together to make today's classroom celebration a memorable one. The kids (and myself) had an amazing time. The food was wonderful and the spirits remained high. I know we'll be talking about the fun that was had today for months to come. Again, much thanks.

The kids were also made aware of some extra credit possibilities that they can choose to pursue over the break today. They may choose one, both or none. Credit will be given based on knowledge and effort. Parents may help, but no more than 10%.

One, the kids may build a model replica of the mission they reported on. Mission model kits will not be accepted, so be creative with what you have around the home and in the yard. The potential is limitless. The kids who pursue this project will be required to present their work to the class, but a written component is not required (as we finished that already). There are many websites out there to help those out who need it.

Second, the kids may build a 3-d habitat of their choosing. This, while potentially art, is a bit trickier than the mission as a writing component will need to accompany the finished product. The diorama must show available resources to the animals that inhabit the particular area. For example, a forest habitat should show a complete food chain and evidence of shelter(s). The written portion of this project will need to accurately describe the relationships between the organisms of the habitat. The written portion should be mindful of proper grammar and structure.

Extra credit will only be accepted on the first day back from Winter Break, and students will be expected to share their work at some point during that week.

Have a healthy and peaceful holiday, Mr. Bryant

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all. Today was a treat. The kids worked hard to pull together their mission reports. Those who were unable to get the materials together were asked to take them home to complete for tomorrow's due date.

We were also treated to the Rio Rockers this morning. Eric kept a mean beat on the drums and Cassie strummed a groovy base (see above).

We also had the opportunity to work in the computer lab. It's going to prove itself as a valuable resource to all the students.

The kids need to complete their cursive packets tonight (letter u, toss the v please), reading log, and complete their mission reports (if necessary).

Have a great afternoon. We are looking forward to celebrating tomorrow!

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday Rally

The kids went gang-busters today in working with both their mission reports and their buddy books. We'll be assembling the mission reports tomorrow! They are looking great!

Thursday also brings us our student rock n' roll band assembly as well as our first visit to the new Rio computer lab. It's quite a cool room, so check it out when you have the time.

The science tests, by the way, were awesome! The kids did an excellent job.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

-reading log
-cursive packet, letter 't'
-completing mission cover or map (if necessary, as most are done)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday and Wednesday

Howdy all. We are getting so very close to completing our mission reports. The kids can see the finish line! With all of this material wrapping up for Winter Break, I know that some of you are feeling overwhelmed. We'll work through it. I have no doubts.

The class was lucky enough to have a visitor today, and we would like to collectively thank her here. Mrs. McNeilly taught the kids how make portfolios for their mission reports. They are looking good. Thanks again Mrs. McNeilly!

Wednesday brings our science exam on food webs and energy chains. The kids and I had a long review session today, and with tonight's homework, I'm expecting the exam to be a breeze.

We are just about ready to complete our Buddy Books for our kinder friends in Mrs. Varni's class. Most of the class has finished typing and illustrating their work, so we'll be putting them together tomorrow and Thursday morning for delivery that afternoon.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

-reading log
-cursive packet, letter s
-science workbook pages 78 & 79
-and, for those who need to, completing their buddy books

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday and the week

Between the rain and the upcoming break, the kids are crazy! Yes, xmas fever has officially hit the classroom. I am attempting to keep the kids to task for these last few days, so will leave a few reminders about what is happening in terms of assignments and assessments.

Wednesday brings the food chain / energy web exam. It is our first substantial science exam of the year, and the kids have been made aware of for the past two weeks. It is a closed book exam, so the kids will be working from memory and experience. I have encouraged them to reread several lessons in the science book to prepare.

We are near to completing our mission reports. The kids have two paragraphs yet to compose before we tackle the rewrites. Mrs. McNeilly has graciously volunteered to help the kids create portfolio folders on Tuesday afternoon. Several of the students have lagged in their writing and were asked to take materials home this past weekend in an effort to bring them up to speed. I will be asking students to do the same tonight and tomorrow if they are using their classroom time unwisely.

On Wednesday we will complete our Spanish studies with Ms. Murray. The kids and I have enjoyed her time with us and are looking forward to presenting our skits to the class. I'll be recording then skits and attempting to post them here over the winter break.

We are also near to completing our Reading Buddy story books. I have laminated those that were completed on Friday and will finish the balance out as they are turned in. We'll be binding them on Wednesday afternoon so that the kids may present them to their kindergarten friends on Thursday.

Thursday brings us the student rock band assembly. Those interested in joining us may do so in the MPR from 9:15 - 10.

Friday brings us our Winter Break festivities. The class will be celebrating from recess through lunch. Julie and Lisa have done a wonderful job reaching out to families and organizing what I am sure will be a memorable experience for the kids.

In the meantime, the kids are responsible for the following tonight:

-reading log (New, and in the Orange Folder. It is double-sided for the the break.)
-math 57 (all)
-cursive packet, letter 'r' (also in Orange Folder)
-continue with mission report (if not caught up)
-study for Wednesday's science test

Sorry for the novella, Mr. Bryant