Thursday, January 27, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Things are moving along smoothly this week, and the kids are accomplishing quite a bit. We are very near to completing two novel studies with The BFG and The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate. Both will wrap by the end of next week. The fourth grade has begun their exploration of biomes, and are crafting books along the lines of what they created with their work on Native Californians. The fifth grade is working with matter and the periodic table. Unfortunately, it's not as exciting as the biome work, so they'll be sharing their expertise with the fourth grade as they tackle and in-depth biome report.

And here is my beating a dead horse plea for the day. Please take a peek at the Scholastic Order for this month. We are very near to earning an Ipad for the classroom!

Tonight, both grades are responsible for the following work:

- Saxon 68
- catch up with any incomplete BFG packet pages
- begin work on Nature Log reflection
- study for tomorrow's spelling quiz

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Now that Progress Reports have gone home, there are still a few lingering questions about missing work. Students are more than welcome to make up missing work, but are encouraged to do so sooner rather than later. In Monday's post, I asked that all make-up work be turned in no later than the end of January. Please keep that time frame in mind. Secondly, many have also inquired as to their child's AR (Accelerated Reader) standings. Students are able to access this report from home. Please simply log into the AR program and select "reports". This function will give you the most current information regarding progress toward individual goals and accuracy rates.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

Fourth -

- Nature Log observation
- Saxon 67
- RPB pp 216 & 217

Fifth -

- Nature Log observation
- Saxon 67
- RPB pp 200 & 201
- Reflections practice book p. 70

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. If you haven't taken advantage of the Scholastic Book Club this month, please help us out by placing an order. A good number of quality titles are priced under $3, and we are attempting to earn an Ipad for the classroom.

If you have time tonight and have read Charlie in the Charlie Factory, join us in the MPR from 6:30 - 8 for Rio's First Book Club meeting. Should be a fun evening.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

Fourth -

- Saxon 66
- BFG packet, KWL chart
- Problem o' the Week #11

Fifth -

- Saxon 66
- BFG packet, KWL chart
- RPB pp 198 & 199
- Problem o' the Week #11

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, January 24, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. So much happening this week, and so much to share, so here we go.

1.) Progress Reports are in your child's Monday folder. Please take a few moments to review work to date, as there are still five weeks left in this grading period. Strengths should be commended and areas for improvement can be targeted. Missing work can be submitted through the end of January only.

2.) We started SPECTRA art today with sculptor Jennie Ward. We'll be working the next four weeks on some very cool projects. Today we crafted our interpretation of an Octopus Garden.

3.) The school-wide technology recycling effort runs through the end of this month. Please see the reminder in the Monday Folder.

4.) Please keep the yearbook order forms coming to school. Remember to take advantage of the early bird ordering price!

5.) Please also take advantage of the Scholastic Book Club this month as we are very near to earning an Ipad for the classroom! Orders can be submitted via the link below through this Friday.

Finally, the kids are responsible for the following tonight:

Fourth -

- Monday Folders
- Saxon 65 and 12A (65 should have been completed in class)
- Reading Practice Book pp 220 & 221 (this week's spelling words)

Fifth -

- Monday Folders
- Saxon 65 and 12A (65 should have been completed in class)
- Reading Practice Book pp 204 & 205 (this week's spelling words)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant