Thursday, January 25, 2007

Thursday night, the field trip list and photos

The class has been working so hard at producing material for their mission reports that I decided to grant them a reprieve from homework tonight. They are still repsonisble for turning in a signed, completed reading log on Friday.

Monday brings us our filed trip to the mission. I still need permission slips from Tyler, Shante and Jade. I have the following parent drivers lined up:

-Jeske +5
-Wilson +2
-Dunlap +1
- Reade +5
- Hurley +2
- Heffner +4
- Rocha +3
- Hickey +2

We are leaving the campus at 9am and returning around 1:30. Students and chaperones will need to bring a sack lunch. Please attempt to pack a low-waste or no-waste lunch. We'd like to keep the mission clean.

Amy Jeske is helping out with the classroom yearbook page. While we will be taking a group class photo at the mission, she is also putting out a call for photos that parents can submit from the year. If you have any, please send them in to class or share them with her on the mission trip.

respectfully, Mr. B

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wednesday's HW & other goodies

Light on the homework tonight. We finished the unit on land biomes and students can expect a short quiz on the subject Thursday. In review, they should reread pages A104 - A113 in their science texts, as well as review their entries in the biome study guides they have created. Other than that, students should continue working toward completing their reading logs. They are due on Friday.

Thanks to those of you who have returned paperwork back to the class / school in a timely manner. We are still short a few permission slips for Monday's trip and the students who haven't turned them in know who they are. Likewise, I have received the majority of the progress reports back, but am still awaiting the return of a few. Yearbook order forms are flowing in, and Friday is the last day to submit an order from the current Scholastic catalog that went home last week.

Besides the quiz, Thursday brings us additional work on the mission reports, a math investigation and an art project with color wheels that will work to identify complimentary colors and the like. Students should still be collecting samples of a color from magazines and newspapers, etc. for the second part of this color project that will take place late next week.

Respectfully, Mr. B

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tuesday's homework

Howday and happy warmer weather! The kids are responsible for the following work tonight:

- Reading log (still dure Friday)
- Math pretest 13A
- Biomes packet page WB 50
- Science page 113 (questions 1 - 5)

We have finished discussing the land biomes and will begin looking at the animal diversity within each biome Thursday.

Today brought us the opportunity to begin computer-based research on our missions. We will now begin to compare the information found on the web to information in books. We worked to construct sufficient introductory paragraphs and will begin to incorporate our research into body paragraphs.

Please remember to submit orders for yearbooks sooner rather than later, return field trip permission slips and to hug your kid.

Respectfully, Mr. B

Monday, January 22, 2007

Progress reports & other important information

I sent home progress reports in the student's red folders today. The percentages and grades represent your child's current standing in the five subject areas of language arts, writing, math, science and social studies. Please review the forms with your child and return them to school *signed* by you and your young one. They are generally quite helpful as we reach the midway point of this grading trimester.

Our trip to San Juan Bautista is next Monday. If you have yet to return your child's permission slip and $1, please do so immediately. Our next filed trip is on February 27th. We will be visiting the Santa Cruz Symphony. We will be traveling by bus to the Mello Center and will require only two chaperones (as tickets are limited). Permission slips will be sent home in the coming weeks.

Scholastic Book orders are due this Friday for those of you interested in ordering. Yearbook order forms were sent home this week. Please check 'em out.

Finally, as we prepare to focus on our next element of art (color), I am asking that students begin to collect samples of one color. It would be helpful if they could tear up magazines or newspapers in an effort to compile samples of the various shades a color can take on. We will be using these in a collage in the coming weeks, so please start collecting soon and often!

Respectfully, Mr. B

Monday's HW

Monday night's HW is as follows:

- Reading Log (due Friday)
- Math lesson 70 (#'s 1 - 15)
- Biome packet page WB 51
- Progress Reports

Respectfully. Mr. B