Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thank you for checking in. Big day tomorrow as the kids work with their Native Californians quiz. The kids were told today that they would need to have their study guide in class tomorrow. Not only will they be turning it in, but they will also be able to reference it during the exam. The exam consists of about 15 questions, each requiring a sentence response. There are two extra credit questions as well that dig deeper in their understanding of the material.

Tonight, the kids should take care of the following:

- math 9.2, pages 193 & 194, problems 1-20
- finish any unfinished Witches work
- bring in Native American study guide for the quiz

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. What a difference a day makes! We had a genuinely pleasant day. No disruptions, no arguments, no name-calling, and some quality work time. Maybe we should wear pajamas every day!

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Complete any unfinished work from the "Ancient Ones" chapter of the Witches packet
- be prepared for Thursday's Math Problem o' the Week
- Math chapters 7 & 8 quiz. The kids are welcome to use their textbook in completing this take-home quiz, but I would appreciate parents not assisting (if possible).

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday & Wednesday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Well, there must be something in the air, as the kids are having an extremely difficult time focusing in the classroom. I don't know if there is excitement surround Halloween next week or tomorrow's pajama day, but I am having to crack the proverbial whip.

As I mentioned, tomorrow is a school wide spirit day. Student Leadership has deemed it Pajama Day. Kids are welcome to wear PJs, but pillows, blankets and stuffed animals are better left at home.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Witches packet, Bruno Jenkins Disappears chapter
- math 9.1, page 191, problems 1-6
- Explorer trading card should be completed to turn in on Wednesday

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday and the week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We're off to a wacky week already. We attempted some computer research in the lab this afternoon only to have the computers shut down on us twice. A disappointing experience, for sure.
We have officially wrapped our studies of Native Californians, and the students now have their study guides in the possession. During the course of the week the kids will need to ensure that the cover and back have been fully illustrated (in color), that their table of contents matches the organization of the guide, have completed their vocabulary and made finishing touches on notes, etc. The guide is there for them to review this week for Friday's quiz. The guide will need to come back to school on Friday!!!
Today we began our study of early explorers to California, which lends itself as a good introduction to next week's mission trip. If you've not submitted your child's permission slip, please do so quickly. There is plenty of room for drivers and chaperones, so please let me know if you'd like to come along and help out that day.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Monday Folders
- continue with Native Californians study guide
- Reading Practice Book page 110 (started in class)
- Reflections practice book page 21 (also started in class)
- math 8 review, page 186, problems 1-20 (strangely, also started in class)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant