Thursday, August 25, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Sorry to get this up late today, however I facilitate an after school program on Thursdays in the classroom. I'll try to get them up as early as possible.

Not to hound folks, but it is extremely important for the kids to have the supplies that I listed for you last week sooner than later. We are using them frequently, and the kids that don't have them are feeling left out. I can offer them substitutes (as I have been doing), but they are loose leaf paper that tends to get shoved in desks and lost. Please obtain a composition book and sketch book ASAP.

We had the opportunity to visit the computer lab today and the kids took their initial reading assessments. These assessments gauge their vocabulary and comprehension skills, from which I set Accelerated Reader goals. Goals are now accessible on line and I will send hard copies home with the kids on Monday in their Weekly Folder.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- Math 2.2
- Reading Practice book page 8
- continue studying spelling words for tomorrow's quiz

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We've had an interesting few days exploring the scientific process. The kids were given a set of materials yesterday afternoon and asked to collaborate with a partner or two in designing a structure that would support the weight of a one pound book. There was excitement and frustration, successes and failures. In the end, we discovered that science is just that, trial and error. We are fortunate enough to have a very hands-on science curriculum in fourth grade, so we will be exploring much together this year.

Tuesday brought us our first visit from Mrs. Mitchener this year. She'll be working on math support and enrichment twice a week with the upper grades. She offers additional support on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the library. Students are welcome to drop in between 7:30 and 7:55.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- HM math 2.1 (pages 11 & 12)
- Reading Practice Book page 14
- keep at working with spelling words for Friday's quiz

Mr. Bryant

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in.

Wednesday is NOT a restructured day, sadly. The kids will be dismissed from class at 2:10.

We officially finished chapter 1 in our math book today, and the kids will be completing the final homework (1.4) from the chapter tonight. As we finish each math chapter, I will ask the kids to tear out the completed lesson pages, staple them together and then bring them in for credit. We will have a short chapter quiz tomorrow as well.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- math 1.4 (pages 7 & 8)
- Reading Practice book pages 6 & 7

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy Monday & Math Help

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in.

The Monday Folder is light on materials today, but please take the time to look over the Welcome Back Letter from the Patent Alliance.

I am not able to provide individual student math cd-roms this year. Still, I have included a link to the HM Math program on the right hand side of this page. Clicking on the link will take you to the help page when one might need assistance with homework or in clarifying lesson understanding.

The students are responsible for the following tonight:

- Monday Folders
- Math Homework pages 1.3
- Reading Practice Book pages 3, 10 & 11. Spelling words for the week can found under the Akiak heading on page 409. Please tear that page out to reference, but all other pages remain in the book for now.

Mr. Bryant