Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday and the 411

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. So much going on during this very hot week! First, I have graciously gone easy on the homework this week with the understanding that many of the kids have yet to begin their Monthly Book Report. The assignment is due this Thursday, and I will be looking for finished products and not excuses. A big part of what I will be working on with the kids this year is ownership and time management with one's self and work. Next month kids can expect to have a normal homework schedule, despite the due date of the book report. Again, reports can be typed or hand written.

Monday Folders have some goodies regarding the upcoming Harvest Festival and permission slips for the deYoung trip next month. If at all possible, please have permissions slips and checks back to the classroom by Friday! Again, thank you for your cooperation with this very special trip.

We did not start a new story this week, and will be focusing our literature and reading studies with The Phantom Tollbooth. Therefore, there are no spelling words this week.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

- Saxon 21 (all)
- Reading Practice Book page 48
- Book Report
- Monday Folders

- Saxon 21 (all)
- Reading Practice Book page 52
- Book Report
- Monday Folder

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

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