Thursday, August 26, 2010

and the fog rolled in...

Wow, I am feeling as if the weather is experiencing a mood swing this week. Despite the gloom of the fog, we had another very nice day. We are a quarter of the way in our first book study, had a good time with simile and metaphor poetry this morning, were able to work through some math concepts, and visited the computer lab.

I'm sorry that I have been unable to delve too deeply into curriculum this week, but I am waiting on textbooks for several table groups in the classroom. I have been assured that we will receive all that we need no later than next week, and I would ask for a little leeway in the next few days until all of it arrives.

The kids will each be receiving their Accelerated Reader goals on Monday in their weekly folders.

Tonight, all kids are responsible for the following:

- Saxon 5
- one nature journal entry (using the simile / metaphor method we used in class today)

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

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