Howdy all, and welcome to what has been forecasted as a gloomy, wet week. The kids are generally heck on wheels when they are stuck inside all day, so I have mixed hopes for a successful week. Maybe I'll have to crack the whip a few extra times here and there, eh?
Please be mindful of materials that are making it home in the Green Folders. I have only about half of the field trip permission slips for next Tuesday. Please make sure they get back in immediately. The driver situation is looking good, but guests are always welcome.
I sent progress reports home in the Green Folders today as well. They cover language arts, writing, social studies and math. They are current to this past Friday. For the majority of the class, the students are in a good place, considering that report cards do not go home until mid March. I have been reaching out to parents who's children I have concerns over.
I've updated the quiz and test section of the blog, and will continue to do so on a weekly basis. Of course, they are always subject to change.
The kids are responsible for the following tonight:
-Reading log (new, and in Green Folder)
-Math 67 (10-30)
-Reading Practice Book pp 236 & 237
-Science vocabulary (quizzed on Friday)
Respectfully, Mr. B
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