Friday, September 28, 2007

Thanks, Monday, conferences, a new field trip, and a message from your principal....yikes!

Thanks again to everyone who made it to the Tech Museum with us on Friday. The IMAX film was a treat and really served to help reinforce what we have discovered with our social studies work, as well as preview what lies ahead. Permission slips for our next field trip, the Monterey Bay Aquarium on Thursday, October 18th, are in today's Green Folders.
Also in today's folders are several notices. The first notice will inform parents and families when their child's conference will be held. If you have more than one student at Rio, this yellow sheet may have gone home with a sibling. I ask that parents allow their children to attend their conference. It is important for the kids to hear the conversations we have and understand that I keep an open line of communication with families and students alike. The second notice will inform you of our principal's decision to take on additional responsibilities within the school district.

Students are responsible for the following work tonight:

-Reading Log (due Friday)
-math lesson 27, problems 10-27
-Reading workbook page 79
-James and the Giant Peach vocabulary & puzzle (due Friday)
-continue preparing final drafts of ocean animal reports and art for Friday

Respectfully, Mr. B

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