As part of their Youth Outreach program, the aquarium selects two children each year to represent them as "Ocean Explorers." The invitation / application to apply to be an Ocean Explorer can be accessed throught the aquarium link on this blog.
The Ocean Explorer post is an exciting one in which children aged 10 -13 (as of Feb. 1, 2007) can participate with aquarium activities and research. Applications, postmarked by December 31, must include a letter of recommendation from myself. So, if students are interested and complete the application process, I am more than happy to help out with the letter. Please email me with a request for a letter soon so that I can accomodate those who are serious in pursuing this unique opportunity.
Thanks, Mr. B
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Wednesday's finer details & Tuesday's HW (there isn't any)
Keepin' it simple...
I have plates, cups, forks and napkins and a tray of each student just needs to bring the food item of their choice. It doesn't have to feed the whole class, but a few extras never hurt. Our pot luck lunch will begin at 11:40 and go until 12:30. At 12:30, we are heading outside for some fun and games. Students can bring mitts for softball (as we have challenged Ms. Street's class to a game) or can bring a board game to enjoy from the sidelines if they want to sit this one out.
The weather tomorrow calls for clear skies, but it will be brisk. Make sure the kids come with a sweatshirt, please. Once again, parents are more than welcome to hang out with us during the lunch and game. We could always use a pinch hitter or two!
Please remember that Wednesday is NOT RESTRUCTURED. We leave school @ 2:05.
Take care, Mr. B
I have plates, cups, forks and napkins and a tray of each student just needs to bring the food item of their choice. It doesn't have to feed the whole class, but a few extras never hurt. Our pot luck lunch will begin at 11:40 and go until 12:30. At 12:30, we are heading outside for some fun and games. Students can bring mitts for softball (as we have challenged Ms. Street's class to a game) or can bring a board game to enjoy from the sidelines if they want to sit this one out.
The weather tomorrow calls for clear skies, but it will be brisk. Make sure the kids come with a sweatshirt, please. Once again, parents are more than welcome to hang out with us during the lunch and game. We could always use a pinch hitter or two!
Please remember that Wednesday is NOT RESTRUCTURED. We leave school @ 2:05.
Take care, Mr. B
Monday, December 18, 2006
Monday's goodies & a call for spare socks
Students got back everything I have graded in the past two weeks today. Reading assessments, social studies tests and packets, science packets, compare and contrast essays and math work. It was a large chuck of papers to send home in a paperclip, but I knew that I wouldn't see the Red Folders again this week if I used them today.
Students were assigned a math pretest tonight to have completed for class tomorrow. It is 12B. We are working on math investigation in class this week which deals with the various forms of graphs. Specifically, we are working with pictographs, bar graphs, line graphs and circle (pie) graphs. Our Math Specialist, Mary Crandall, brought us treats today as each student now has a dry erase board to use during math. We do not have erasers for the students and I am asking that each student bring a sock to school to use as an eraser. The ones whose mates are lost in the wash make ideal candidates.
Holy cow, the pizza reports are turning out great! The class was awesome today presenting what they read and learned from their book selections. The class was also a great audience as we went through an hour and a half of reports! The remainder of our students will present tomorrow morning.
Students also received a Reading Log today that covers the winter break. A good chunk of the class requested assignments other than reading for the break, so I will honor their wishes and offer social studies and science extra credit opportunities that will go home on Wednesday. I will also prepare a math packet for everyone so that they can keep up with the skills we have covered thus far.
Have a great week, Mr. B
Students were assigned a math pretest tonight to have completed for class tomorrow. It is 12B. We are working on math investigation in class this week which deals with the various forms of graphs. Specifically, we are working with pictographs, bar graphs, line graphs and circle (pie) graphs. Our Math Specialist, Mary Crandall, brought us treats today as each student now has a dry erase board to use during math. We do not have erasers for the students and I am asking that each student bring a sock to school to use as an eraser. The ones whose mates are lost in the wash make ideal candidates.
Holy cow, the pizza reports are turning out great! The class was awesome today presenting what they read and learned from their book selections. The class was also a great audience as we went through an hour and a half of reports! The remainder of our students will present tomorrow morning.
Students also received a Reading Log today that covers the winter break. A good chunk of the class requested assignments other than reading for the break, so I will honor their wishes and offer social studies and science extra credit opportunities that will go home on Wednesday. I will also prepare a math packet for everyone so that they can keep up with the skills we have covered thus far.
Have a great week, Mr. B
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Pizza Report line-up
Pizza Reports are due on Monday, December 18th. Reports will be presented over the course of two days, Monday and Tuesday. The following lists which day students can expect to present their report to the class.
Monday: Lauren, Shayla, Scott, Ryan, Rachel, Paul, Madison, Logan, Jezebel, Haven, Gwen, Elena, Connel, Caleb, Brad and Austin.
Tuesday: Adam, Ben, Brandon, Christian, Daisy, Liza, Hannah, Jade, Kiannah, Maddie, Patrick, Robert, Sarah, Shante and Tyler.
Take care and don't stress, Mr. B
Monday: Lauren, Shayla, Scott, Ryan, Rachel, Paul, Madison, Logan, Jezebel, Haven, Gwen, Elena, Connel, Caleb, Brad and Austin.
Tuesday: Adam, Ben, Brandon, Christian, Daisy, Liza, Hannah, Jade, Kiannah, Maddie, Patrick, Robert, Sarah, Shante and Tyler.
Take care and don't stress, Mr. B
Friday, December 15, 2006
Wednesday's Celebration
The class has decided to have a pot luck lunch next Wednesday to celebrate the end of 2006. Each student is asked to bring a dish to share with their classmates. It is not a Christmas party, and in an effort to honor the unique cultural beliefs of each student in the classroom, we are asking that the food not reflect a Christmas theme.
We will be eating lunch together in the classroom and then will spend the afternoon celebrating our accomplishments with games (inside if the weather is bad) or a hike or field day (outside if the weather is nice).
Parents are, of course, invited to share in our celebration. Charlotte Dunlap has been kind enough to contact families with this information via email, and will be coordinating the finer details. (Thanks Charlotte!)
Have a peaceful weekend, Mr. B
We will be eating lunch together in the classroom and then will spend the afternoon celebrating our accomplishments with games (inside if the weather is bad) or a hike or field day (outside if the weather is nice).
Parents are, of course, invited to share in our celebration. Charlotte Dunlap has been kind enough to contact families with this information via email, and will be coordinating the finer details. (Thanks Charlotte!)
Have a peaceful weekend, Mr. B
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Thursday's HW
Students are responsible for the following assignments. Each are due tomorrow.
- Reading Log, completed and signed by parent
- Explorer and Mission vocabulary (assigned Monday)
- Math 64 (13 - 29)
- California textbook review page 143 (assigned Tuesday)
- California practice book pages 33 & 34 (assigned Tuesday).
And as a happy reminder, Pizza Reports are due on Monday, December 20th. I will post a schedule on Friday that will inform students of when they will present, either Monday or Tuesday (16 students each day).
Respectfully, Mr. B
- Reading Log, completed and signed by parent
- Explorer and Mission vocabulary (assigned Monday)
- Math 64 (13 - 29)
- California textbook review page 143 (assigned Tuesday)
- California practice book pages 33 & 34 (assigned Tuesday).
And as a happy reminder, Pizza Reports are due on Monday, December 20th. I will post a schedule on Friday that will inform students of when they will present, either Monday or Tuesday (16 students each day).
Respectfully, Mr. B
Video and Book Drive
The deadline to particpate in the Book and Video Drive has been extended until next Wednesday, December 20th.
Please support this worthwhile effort if you can.
Thanks, Mr. B
Please support this worthwhile effort if you can.
Thanks, Mr. B
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Wednesday's HW and Thursday reminders
Students were assigned math lesson 63 (1 - 20) for homework tonight. Students were also reminded that Reading Logs and California practice book pages are due on Friday. Check yesterday's posting for exact details.
Thanks to everyone for wearing RED today. I am pleased to announce that we had 100% participation in the event! Now, if I can just get those numbers with homework each day! Ah, delusions of granduer. Anyhow, the second graders rocked the MPR with their play.
Thursday's trip to the junior high will be by school bus. We have space for all the students, but not all of the parents who want to attend as well. Be at school by 8:15 to score yourself a seat on the magical school bus, or meet us at the junior high no later than 8:45. The play is scheduled to last an hour, and we should return to school in time for morning recess.
I informed the class today that I would postpone our regular Thursday night math pretest / Friday math test until Monday and Tuesday of next week so that they can concentrate their studies on Friday's CA test. I think that was mighty nice of me.
Respectfully, Mr. B
Thanks to everyone for wearing RED today. I am pleased to announce that we had 100% participation in the event! Now, if I can just get those numbers with homework each day! Ah, delusions of granduer. Anyhow, the second graders rocked the MPR with their play.
Thursday's trip to the junior high will be by school bus. We have space for all the students, but not all of the parents who want to attend as well. Be at school by 8:15 to score yourself a seat on the magical school bus, or meet us at the junior high no later than 8:45. The play is scheduled to last an hour, and we should return to school in time for morning recess.
I informed the class today that I would postpone our regular Thursday night math pretest / Friday math test until Monday and Tuesday of next week so that they can concentrate their studies on Friday's CA test. I think that was mighty nice of me.
Respectfully, Mr. B
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
RED DAY! & Tuesday's HW
Wednesday, in honor of the second grade production of "Little Red Riding Hood", the school is hosting its first Spirit Day of the school year. Students are asked to wear Red! Classes with a 90% Red rating will receive a prize! If you'd like to attend the play with the class, please meet us in the MPR no later than 8:55am (and wear red).
I have assigned a few things that are due on Friday so that the kids can get a head-start on them. Those items are page 143 in the California textbook and pages 33 + 34 in the California practice book.
Homework assigned for Tuesday night includes:
- math lesson 62, problems 1 - 20
- reading log
- students should return library books by Thursday morning at the latest.
If you plan on attending the junior high production of "The Glass Slipper" with us on Thursday, YOU WILL NEED TO MEET US AT THE JUNIOR HIGH BY 8:45. The school has rented school buses to take the upper grades to the junior high and there will not be room to accomodate the parents as well. Give yourself time to drive, park and meet as we will be entering the auditorium by classroom.
Finally, Janie Bettencourt was kind enough to put together a collection box for the Annual Rio Book & Video Drive. Please send books and videos to the school so that they can be distributed to needy families for the holidays.
Respectfully, Mr. B
I have assigned a few things that are due on Friday so that the kids can get a head-start on them. Those items are page 143 in the California textbook and pages 33 + 34 in the California practice book.
Homework assigned for Tuesday night includes:
- math lesson 62, problems 1 - 20
- reading log
- students should return library books by Thursday morning at the latest.
If you plan on attending the junior high production of "The Glass Slipper" with us on Thursday, YOU WILL NEED TO MEET US AT THE JUNIOR HIGH BY 8:45. The school has rented school buses to take the upper grades to the junior high and there will not be room to accomodate the parents as well. Give yourself time to drive, park and meet as we will be entering the auditorium by classroom.
Finally, Janie Bettencourt was kind enough to put together a collection box for the Annual Rio Book & Video Drive. Please send books and videos to the school so that they can be distributed to needy families for the holidays.
Respectfully, Mr. B
Monday, December 11, 2006
Monday's homework
Howdy, letters went home in today's red folder. Students are responsible for the following work tonight:
- reading log (due Friday)
- California vocabulary (also due Friday)
- math lesson 61 (1-20 and 28)
- California practice book page 32
Respectfully, Mr. B
- reading log (due Friday)
- California vocabulary (also due Friday)
- math lesson 61 (1-20 and 28)
- California practice book page 32
Respectfully, Mr. B
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Thursday's HW
We have the following HW for this evening:
- Math 11A pretest
- Science packet page WB26
- Reading log
- Vocabulary is finally due tomorrow.
As I mentioned earlier this week, tomorrow is assessment heavy. Students will be completing science, math and grammar quizzes over the course of the day.
Respectfully, Mr. B
- Math 11A pretest
- Science packet page WB26
- Reading log
- Vocabulary is finally due tomorrow.
As I mentioned earlier this week, tomorrow is assessment heavy. Students will be completing science, math and grammar quizzes over the course of the day.
Respectfully, Mr. B
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Tuesday's and Wednesday's Homework
Just a reminder that I will be out of the classroom on Wednesday. So, two homework birds with one blog stone.
Tuesday, 12/5
Students have the following work to complete:
- reading log
- science vocabulary (still due on Friday)
- math lesson 57 (problems 1-15 & 25-28)
- science packet page WB 27
- Ember quiz (if not completed in class) and
- house maps in Spanish.
Wednesday, 12/6
Students have the following work to complete:
- reading log
- science vocabulary (yes, still due on Friday)
- math lesson 58 (all)
- science packet page WB 28
Respectfully, Mr.B
Tuesday, 12/5
Students have the following work to complete:
- reading log
- science vocabulary (still due on Friday)
- math lesson 57 (problems 1-15 & 25-28)
- science packet page WB 27
- Ember quiz (if not completed in class) and
- house maps in Spanish.
Wednesday, 12/6
Students have the following work to complete:
- reading log
- science vocabulary (yes, still due on Friday)
- math lesson 58 (all)
- science packet page WB 28
Respectfully, Mr.B
Monday, December 4, 2006
This week
So I am getting mixed feedback from the blog. Some tell me that it has been difficult to access, while others have mentioned that it is not something that they are utilizing (drat!). Again, it is my simple hope that with the frequency of my posts that parents and students alike are staying constantly apprised of what is transpiring in the classroom, as well as answering those pesky homework questions that arise about 9pm when everyone thinks that the kids are about to go down for the night. No method is perfect and meets the needs of everyone in the class, but I think that this has been a great start. In combination with the student planners, I have seen an increase of student responsibility in their work and more work being turned in on time. Those are positives for me, and I hope that they are for you as well.
A few new things were sent home today in the student's red folders. A new reading log should jump out at you from its blue paper. The format is much simpler and will hopefully encourage the students to read more so for pleasure. I think they have the idea of the short summary down, so I don't want to beleaguer the issue further. The second is a vocabulary list and study guide for Friday's science quiz. The quiz is a simple four pages that covers what we have explored as botanists. For a complete list of what they should be familiar with please see the handout.
Another new item that was discussed in class last week was a "Fix It" sheet. These very bright red papers will be sent home with students who are having issues keeping on task in class (whether it be with time management or constant flapping of the gums). Students are fully expected to have the papers filled out completely, signed by a parent and then returned to school the following day for discussion. Students who neglect to return the papers the following school day or "lose" the papers can expect to be benched and parents notified either by email or phone. Again, just a measure to keep a rather rowdy room more responsible for themselves and their classmates.
Tuesday brings us a comprehension quiz on the book we are currently reading and further exploration of the art curriculum that I have developed. I will be out of the classroom on Wednesday for personal reasons, but Connie Carrillo (awesome) will be our substitute. Thursday will bring us a science review for Friday's exam. Friday is actually assessment heavy with science, math and literature quizzes. Yikes, they just fell that way!
I have to throw a quick shout out regarding the compare and contrast essays turned in this past Friday! They are reading wonderfully, and I am very happy with what I have graded thus far!
Have a great week, Mr. B
A few new things were sent home today in the student's red folders. A new reading log should jump out at you from its blue paper. The format is much simpler and will hopefully encourage the students to read more so for pleasure. I think they have the idea of the short summary down, so I don't want to beleaguer the issue further. The second is a vocabulary list and study guide for Friday's science quiz. The quiz is a simple four pages that covers what we have explored as botanists. For a complete list of what they should be familiar with please see the handout.
Another new item that was discussed in class last week was a "Fix It" sheet. These very bright red papers will be sent home with students who are having issues keeping on task in class (whether it be with time management or constant flapping of the gums). Students are fully expected to have the papers filled out completely, signed by a parent and then returned to school the following day for discussion. Students who neglect to return the papers the following school day or "lose" the papers can expect to be benched and parents notified either by email or phone. Again, just a measure to keep a rather rowdy room more responsible for themselves and their classmates.
Tuesday brings us a comprehension quiz on the book we are currently reading and further exploration of the art curriculum that I have developed. I will be out of the classroom on Wednesday for personal reasons, but Connie Carrillo (awesome) will be our substitute. Thursday will bring us a science review for Friday's exam. Friday is actually assessment heavy with science, math and literature quizzes. Yikes, they just fell that way!
I have to throw a quick shout out regarding the compare and contrast essays turned in this past Friday! They are reading wonderfully, and I am very happy with what I have graded thus far!
Have a great week, Mr. B
Monday's homework
The new week brings a bevy of projects and assignments. Tonight, students are responsible for the following:
- reading log (be sure to check out the new format),
- math lesson 56, problems 1 - 20,
- science packet page WB 22 (most folks finished in class),
- a rough sketch of their homes for tomorrow's Spanish lesson
- new vocabulary went home today, but completed forms are not due until Friday.
Please send Red Folders back to school on Tuesday. Thanks, Mr. B
- reading log (be sure to check out the new format),
- math lesson 56, problems 1 - 20,
- science packet page WB 22 (most folks finished in class),
- a rough sketch of their homes for tomorrow's Spanish lesson
- new vocabulary went home today, but completed forms are not due until Friday.
Please send Red Folders back to school on Tuesday. Thanks, Mr. B
Thursday, November 30, 2006
line art

I wanted to take a moment to feature a student's work from this past Tuesday's art lesson. We'll be experimenting with the elements of art over a period of five weeks. Our first lesson was on line, and next Tuesday's lesson will involve shape. I'll continue to post student samples. This week's masterpiece comes to you courtesy of Brad.
Enjoy, Mr. B
Thursday's homework
Keepin' it simple tonight! Students need to turn in the following on Friday:
- Math 10A
- Compare and Contrast essays
- James and the Giant Peach study packets (if not yet turned in).
Thanks, Mr. B
- Math 10A
- Compare and Contrast essays
- James and the Giant Peach study packets (if not yet turned in).
Thanks, Mr. B
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Wednesday's homework
Today's homework is as follows:
- read for a minimum of 20 minutes
- adjectives worksheet
- math lesson 54 (1 - 15)
- science packet page WB 23
- continue with compare and contrast essay (we covered the conclusion portion of this paper in class today)
Respectfully, Mr. B
- read for a minimum of 20 minutes
- adjectives worksheet
- math lesson 54 (1 - 15)
- science packet page WB 23
- continue with compare and contrast essay (we covered the conclusion portion of this paper in class today)
Respectfully, Mr. B
classroom needs
With this particularly nasty cold and flu season in full swing we are going through boxes of tissue rather quickly. If you are out and about this week and feeling generous, please pick up a box or two for the classroom. The runny noses will appreciate it.
Much thanks, Mr. B
Much thanks, Mr. B
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
James and the Giant Peach study packets
I failed to mention in yesterday's post that completed student James and the Giant Peach study packets are due in class this Friday, December 1. We completed them in class last week, and a good majority of the students have turned them in, but there are a few straglers that are needing to tie up a few loose ends.
Respectfully, Mr. B
Respectfully, Mr. B
Classroom supplies
Please ensure that your children are coming to school with the appropriate classroom supplies. Pencils, pens, sharpeners are all the student's responsibility to have in their possession and at school on a daily basis.
Tuesday's homework
Students are responsible for the following:
-read for a minimum of 20 minutes
-Math lesson 53, problems 1-10 & 20 -28
-continue with Compare & Contrast essays (due Friday)
-students may need to complete our line study for art or their leaf study for science, both of which were started in class today.
Respectfully, Mr. B
-read for a minimum of 20 minutes
-Math lesson 53, problems 1-10 & 20 -28
-continue with Compare & Contrast essays (due Friday)
-students may need to complete our line study for art or their leaf study for science, both of which were started in class today.
Respectfully, Mr. B
Monday, November 27, 2006
Monday's Homework 11/27/06
Students have the following homework tonight:
-Read for a minimum of 20 minutes
-Reading practice book pages 121 & 122
-Continue with Compare & Contrast essay
-Math lesson 52 (1-20), pages 242 & 243
-Read for a minimum of 20 minutes
-Reading practice book pages 121 & 122
-Continue with Compare & Contrast essay
-Math lesson 52 (1-20), pages 242 & 243
a new week
Howdy all. I will attempt to keep these postings shorter than the weekly letters so that you don't have to scroll all over the place.
We are looking at a few very exciting things this week. On Tuesday I will begin a five-week study on the elements of art. We will begin with lines and move forward from there. I put together a pretty groovy Power Point presentation that I hope will pique interest levels, etc.
Today begins our compare and contrast writings. These are very focused and will be completed by Friday. Students began work in class today and will have limited amounts of time during the week to write. Outlines are in the Red Folders.
Book orders are also in today's Red Folders. Students interested in ordering will need their forms and $ in class no later than Friday, Dec. 1.
Our work with Accelerated Reader was not the most fruitful this past Tuesday. We lost our internet connection about 1/2 of the way through the activity, so we will continue to move ahead with them as time permits. I am still working out a suggested minimum of reading points that each student will need to accumulate by the end of the second grading period.
Regards, Mr. B
We are looking at a few very exciting things this week. On Tuesday I will begin a five-week study on the elements of art. We will begin with lines and move forward from there. I put together a pretty groovy Power Point presentation that I hope will pique interest levels, etc.
Today begins our compare and contrast writings. These are very focused and will be completed by Friday. Students began work in class today and will have limited amounts of time during the week to write. Outlines are in the Red Folders.
Book orders are also in today's Red Folders. Students interested in ordering will need their forms and $ in class no later than Friday, Dec. 1.
Our work with Accelerated Reader was not the most fruitful this past Tuesday. We lost our internet connection about 1/2 of the way through the activity, so we will continue to move ahead with them as time permits. I am still working out a suggested minimum of reading points that each student will need to accumulate by the end of the second grading period.
Regards, Mr. B
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Pizza Reports
Monday, November 20, 2006
Part 2
Ok, so the no homework thing turned out to be a lie. We worked on completing our "James and the Giant Peach" study guides today, but found that we had a few pages left to go. Students should complete up to page 28 tonight, and we will complete the last remaining page, "Observations", in class tomorrow.
Thanks to all of you who have returned the report card envelopes so quickly. If you have yet to return the envelope, please do so at your earliest convenience.
I have received nearly all the permission slips for the December 14th trip to the junior high for their play. Permission slips are still needed from Caleb, Christian, Elena, Hannah, Jade and Madison. Please get them in soon.
Much thanks, Jeff
Thanks to all of you who have returned the report card envelopes so quickly. If you have yet to return the envelope, please do so at your earliest convenience.
I have received nearly all the permission slips for the December 14th trip to the junior high for their play. Permission slips are still needed from Caleb, Christian, Elena, Hannah, Jade and Madison. Please get them in soon.
Much thanks, Jeff
Friday, November 17, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Howdy all and welcome to my blogging experiment. I will be updating this blog daily with information regarding classroom assignments, homework and my random, rambling reflections of our days. I will no longer be sending letters home in the Monday Red Folders, but instead post all important information here. If you do not have access to the internet at home, please let me know so that I can arrange to keep you in the loop. Check back often, daily even, to stay in the know.
As this first posting falls on the first day of an only two-day school week, I will keep things simple and let you all know that there is no homework this week. We simply have too many families getting a jump start on the holiday and missing school entirely this week.
So, with this in mind, I will simply wish each of you a happy and safe holiday vacation.
Peace out, Mr.B
As this first posting falls on the first day of an only two-day school week, I will keep things simple and let you all know that there is no homework this week. We simply have too many families getting a jump start on the holiday and missing school entirely this week.
So, with this in mind, I will simply wish each of you a happy and safe holiday vacation.
Peace out, Mr.B
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