So I am getting mixed feedback from the blog. Some tell me that it has been difficult to access, while others have mentioned that it is not something that they are utilizing (drat!). Again, it is my simple hope that with the frequency of my posts that parents and students alike are staying constantly apprised of what is transpiring in the classroom, as well as answering those pesky homework questions that arise about 9pm when everyone thinks that the kids are about to go down for the night. No method is perfect and meets the needs of everyone in the class, but I think that this has been a great start. In combination with the student planners, I have seen an increase of student responsibility in their work and more work being turned in on time. Those are positives for me, and I hope that they are for you as well.
A few new things were sent home today in the student's red folders. A new reading log should jump out at you from its blue paper. The format is much simpler and will hopefully encourage the students to read more so for pleasure. I think they have the idea of the short summary down, so I don't want to beleaguer the issue further. The second is a vocabulary list and study guide for Friday's science quiz. The quiz is a simple four pages that covers what we have explored as botanists. For a complete list of what they should be familiar with please see the handout.
Another new item that was discussed in class last week was a "Fix It" sheet. These very bright red papers will be sent home with students who are having issues keeping on task in class (whether it be with time management or constant flapping of the gums). Students are fully expected to have the papers filled out completely, signed by a parent and then returned to school the following day for discussion. Students who neglect to return the papers the following school day or "lose" the papers can expect to be benched and parents notified either by email or phone. Again, just a measure to keep a rather rowdy room more responsible for themselves and their classmates.
Tuesday brings us a comprehension quiz on the book we are currently reading and further exploration of the art curriculum that I have developed. I will be out of the classroom on Wednesday for personal reasons, but Connie Carrillo (awesome) will be our substitute. Thursday will bring us a science review for Friday's exam. Friday is actually assessment heavy with science, math and literature quizzes. Yikes, they just fell that way!
I have to throw a quick shout out regarding the compare and contrast essays turned in this past Friday! They are reading wonderfully, and I am very happy with what I have graded thus far!
Have a great week, Mr. B
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