Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Hello all, and my apologies for the late post.  I was locked out of my blog account (?), and have just gotten access back.  I am working diligently on report cards in preparation for them going home with the kids on Friday.  It has been exciting to recognize their growth this past trimester.  I have asked the kids to make a few changes in these past few weeks in ramping up for our efforts in the third trimester, and have another to add to that list; I am asking that kids increase their independent reading efforts at home from a 20 to 30 minute window each day.  I spoke with the kids with the class about this today, and shared my thought process behind the decision with them.  Aside from improving their comprehension and fluency levels by engaging with more independent reading, it will also prepare them more thoroughly for the workload that will accompany 5th grade and beyond.

Tonight, the kids are asked to complete the following:

- spelling 85
- math 22.4, problems 9-26
- 30 minutes DEAR

Respectfully, Mr. B

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