Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in.  I sincerely hope that your children did not interrupt your dinner conversations last night with talk of cholera.  We were studying diseases associated with the Gold Rush and researched cholera, yellow fever and scurvy while in the computer lab yesterday.  The kids had an absolute "blast" learning about some rather unpleasant symptoms associated with cholera, in particular.

Some questions have arisen regarding the Saturday Night Golden Gulch activity, and I'd like to clear up any misunderstandings.  The project is homework for the class, and is due a week from Friday, March 8.  The kids have been asked to create something related to the Gold Rush to share with their classmates.  It might be art, a diorama, a narrative, a dance, poem or song. The possibilities are many, but have to be centered around the Gold Rush.

Today, the kids are responsible for the following:

- RPB p. 392
- math 20.4, pages 449-450, problems 7-30
- Book Reports still due Thursday

Respectful, Mr. B

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