Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday and the week

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. These last few weeks have us engaging in a great deal of writing and reflection as to what our year has been like, and where we are headed. I tend to get sentimental as we wind down. Homework, for all intensive purposes, is done. We have only a few academic obligations, and it is simply easier to complete them as a group than to send them home. We will begin our efforts on a school mural in the next weeks. The space we've been given to work with is massive, and the kids are more than excited to exercise their inner Picassos and O'Keefes. If you have any spare exterior paints lying around the house, we can surely use them. Please email me should you have any paint supplies we could use. If you've not submitted your KOA permission slips and funds, please do so ASAP so that we may balance our accounts and pay the needed parties. Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

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