Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. Now that Progress Reports have gone home, there are still a few lingering questions about missing work. Students are more than welcome to make up missing work, but are encouraged to do so sooner rather than later. In Monday's post, I asked that all make-up work be turned in no later than the end of January. Please keep that time frame in mind. Secondly, many have also inquired as to their child's AR (Accelerated Reader) standings. Students are able to access this report from home. Please simply log into the AR program and select "reports". This function will give you the most current information regarding progress toward individual goals and accuracy rates.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

Fourth -

- Nature Log observation
- Saxon 67
- RPB pp 216 & 217

Fifth -

- Nature Log observation
- Saxon 67
- RPB pp 200 & 201
- Reflections practice book p. 70

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

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