Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. I've got a few important bits of news to share with you. I was made aware yesterday that the Accelerated Reader website will no longer be accessible from home for the kids to work with. I realize that this will cramp the style of several students who have made a habit of testing at home, but it is my hope that this change will also allow the kids the opportunity to take a greater deal of responsibility for their studies. With this information in mind, I am going to remove the link from the classroom blog.
Secondly, there has been a decided sea change of behavior, both within and out of the classroom, since returning from Winter Break. Concepts of respect and acceptable behavior have gone out the window. Kids have gotten bold in their efforts to demoralize each other, either through words or actions. Its been extremely disheartening to see. Today, in lieu of my planned afternoon of science and social studies, the class engaged in a 90-minute discussion about their experiences in this, as of late, negative environment. The kids were very candid with each other regarding their concerns and emotions, and the conversation was extremely powerful. We'll continue working with communication skills in the hopes that we keep our school safe and nurturing. In the coming weeks and months I will be taking the class through the strategies of conflict management and introducing relaxation techniques, such as meditation, into our schedule.
Because of altered afternoon, we were unable to hit subject areas that would have extended to this evening's homework. Instead of piling it on tonight, I will restructure tomorrow's schedule to accommodate what was missed. For tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:
- reading log
- math 15.4
- finish "Rescuing James" paragraph and art (if need be)
Respectfully, Mr. Bryant
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