Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday & Friday

Howdy all, and thanks for checking in. We had a very pleasant, indoor kind of day. The kids have been a bit stir crazy for some running around time, so hopefully tomorrow brings us a much-needed respite from the rainstorms. We need to get outside and play!

Friday will bring us a few assessments, and the kids have been made aware of both. In the morning we will be taking the district's mathematics benchmark exam for the second grading period. The exam does not affect the kids' report cards, but does help aide in the discussion of how this math program is working out for us as a site. The kids will also be taking a smaller division quiz later in the day. We've been hammer math concepts as of late, as many of the kids seem to have gotten rusty over the course of the winter break.

We've begun our final Roald Dahl book for the year. We are reading James and the Ginat Peach. It's a fantastic story, and the kids are already invested in the plight of James after just two days of reading!

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- reading log
- math 13.4 & 13.5

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

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