Tuesday, September 8, 2009

a short beginning

So odd to have a restructured day as our first day back from the holiday weekend, but the kids did not seem to mind one bit. Despite all the public outcries, we were able to watch the entirety of President Obama's address to our nation's youth this morning. The kids were very excited and made connections to what was being said. It made for an interesting conversation regarding their personal goals for the future.

We are one chapter from completing Matilda by Roald Dahl, and will be wrapping up Island of the Blue Dolphins in the next week as well. Wednesday will bring us our introduction to Native Californians. The kids will be working at compiling a very detailed study guide / book that will help them as we explore a dozen or so prominent tribes.

I am holding off sending home Blue Folders until next Monday, as the week is a short one and I have little to send home from last week.

Tonight, the kids are responsible for the following:

- reading log (due Friday)
- math 3.2 & 3.3 (3.2 was started Friday, but not all kids were able to finish it)
- nature log

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

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