Our summer has come and gone, and we are finding ourselves gearing up for the new school year. I am looking forward to a room full of excited, fresh faces this coming Wednesday.
This blog has been designed to keep families apprised of classroom goings-on, as well as school-wide news. It will be updated Monday through Thursday of each school week, and should be something that is viewed frequently by students and parents alike. Homework will be listed here daily, and information regarding long-term projects, quizzes, holidays and links can be found as you scroll down the right side of the page. Questions for me should not be posted here, but sent to my district e-mail. I will make every attempt to respond to e-mails within a school day, but please keep in mind that is not always possible.
Students received a list of items that they will need to provide for themselves each day at school (in class placement letter). I expect students to arrive to class on time, and prepared to participate in our daily activities and explorations. Please feel free to stop by and introduce yourselves during the first week of classes. I am happy to spend a few moments talking to you all, but Back-to-School Night is just around the corner and I will cover our school year in detail then.
Respectfully, Mr. Bryant
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