Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday and Wednesday

Howdy all. We are getting so very close to completing our mission reports. The kids can see the finish line! With all of this material wrapping up for Winter Break, I know that some of you are feeling overwhelmed. We'll work through it. I have no doubts.

The class was lucky enough to have a visitor today, and we would like to collectively thank her here. Mrs. McNeilly taught the kids how make portfolios for their mission reports. They are looking good. Thanks again Mrs. McNeilly!

Wednesday brings our science exam on food webs and energy chains. The kids and I had a long review session today, and with tonight's homework, I'm expecting the exam to be a breeze.

We are just about ready to complete our Buddy Books for our kinder friends in Mrs. Varni's class. Most of the class has finished typing and illustrating their work, so we'll be putting them together tomorrow and Thursday morning for delivery that afternoon.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

-reading log
-cursive packet, letter s
-science workbook pages 78 & 79
-and, for those who need to, completing their buddy books

Respectfully, Mr. Bryant

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