Monday, February 4, 2008

The kids predict that......

Obama will take the California primary with 2/3 of the Democratic vote tomorrow. A very interesting debate ended our day, and these kids are passionate! Very exciting times!

Tuesday will be an exciting day with our trip to the mission. We'll be leaving school @ 8:30 and returning around 1:30. Please bring a sack lunch and a warm jacket. The kids were warned not to bring i-pods or handheld games for the ride. They are welcome to bring cameras.

The Green Folder contains the annual Parent Survey and a consent form for a documentary that I would like to show in conjunction with our "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes" studies. Please return both forms to school in a timely manner.

The students are responsible for the following tonight:

-Reading Log (due Friday)
-"Sadako" chapter 2 work
-Math lesson 71 (1-25)
-Science workbook pages 78-79 (quiz on Friday)

Sorry to bulk up on work tonight, I will go easier on Tuesday after the field trip.

Respectfully, Mr. B

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