Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Monday

Howdy all!
Those dreaded STAR tests begin tomorrow and will conclude a week from Thursday. This week's focus will be language arts, with next week's focus being math. I informed the kids that I would keep homework on par with what has been normal for these past few weeks. I also informed the class that I would not be testing them beyond the STARs for the next two weeks. We are ten lessons out from completing our math text, and I will conduct a cumulative assessment when those are completed. As I mentioned previously, science and social studies tests are finished for the school year (the science fair and WWII reports will more than substitute for assessments).
The Green Folders that were sent home today have permission slips for our upcoming overnight trip to New Brighton. Please be on the lookout for it and return it in a timely manner.

The kids are responsible for the following tonight:

-Reading Log (our last, due a week from Friday)
-Math lesson 110 (all)
-Green Folders
-continue with science and WWII projects

Respectfully, Mr. B

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