Howdy all. Just some quick notes regarding the next few days. Yes, tomorrow is Halloween. Please leave the surplus candy at home, otherwise your children will look like the unfortunate pumpkin above. The school goes all out with the parade, and several room parents have done an amazing amount of work preparing for the classroom party. Kids are more than encouraged to wear their costumes to school. However, we do have PE tomorrow, so please make sure comfortable shoes are a part of their day.
Thursday will bring review opportunities for Friday's Social Studies exam.
Students are responsible for the following tonight:
-Reading Log (due Friday)
-Reading practice book pages 117-118 (most completed in class)
-read pages 118-123 in California text in review for Friday's quiz
-complete Reflections page 31 (the timeline on the top of page 31 is aligned with the information on page 30).
-No math HW for the remainder of the week while we work with decimal and fraction conversions.
Frightfully, Mr. B
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